Video / Falcon-AF
Publié : mer. févr. 08, 2006 4:10 am
comme le post screen...
voici le post Video de Falcon...
je commence l'inauguration.par une video sur l'angle d'attaque
Video angle d'attaque
commentaire en englais ....
--> I keep hearing mistaken explanations of Release Angle and how it's used. So here's the deal.
It's not the "slant angle" to the target that you release at, it's not the angle you're planning to dive in on the target, and it's not the angle the weapon is released from the plane.
It sets the angle of _climb_ you wish to be in when releasing the bombs in a toss delivery (can be done either CCRP or DTOS). When the first (toss) cue comes down the fall line and hits your FPM, commence a 2G climb. You should intersect the second (release) cue at your programmed "rel ang".
A quick demonstration of how you use it - I'm attacking Kuum Ni's control tower with a AAA battalion on base. I can't avoid the guns entirely, but I can avoid overflying them and minimize their chances to hit me by throwing the bombs in from several miles out.
par Teej (merci à lui )

voici le post Video de Falcon...

je commence l'inauguration.par une video sur l'angle d'attaque
Video angle d'attaque

commentaire en englais ....

--> I keep hearing mistaken explanations of Release Angle and how it's used. So here's the deal.
It's not the "slant angle" to the target that you release at, it's not the angle you're planning to dive in on the target, and it's not the angle the weapon is released from the plane.
It sets the angle of _climb_ you wish to be in when releasing the bombs in a toss delivery (can be done either CCRP or DTOS). When the first (toss) cue comes down the fall line and hits your FPM, commence a 2G climb. You should intersect the second (release) cue at your programmed "rel ang".
A quick demonstration of how you use it - I'm attacking Kuum Ni's control tower with a AAA battalion on base. I can't avoid the guns entirely, but I can avoid overflying them and minimize their chances to hit me by throwing the bombs in from several miles out.
par Teej (merci à lui )