new TACAN List for Korea Theater v2.0

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Inscription : 02 novembre 2002

new TACAN List for Korea Theater v2.0


Message par Jallie »

décidemment ...c'est la semaine des cadeaux cette semaine :)
- Last and most important , I’ve made an innovation using Runway Threshold Location Steerpoint instead of TACAN Station Steerpoint that till now we were using (for more details see page 5 of the TACAN List) .
This list is my way to prove my love to jets and to “Falcon 4.0 Allied Force” and I’m sharing the List with you in order to be helpful .
Below is a preview of the TACAN List , which is 5 pages in pdf format (needs Acrobat 5.0 or later to open)
c'est là : ... p?t=123960
 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  

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