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Publié : jeu. juin 04, 2009 3:37 pm
par Sani

Some of you may have seen threads about RAAF Kitty's on AAA forum.Well,here they are :).These planes don't require new buttons file (same as Yak7V),so just extract to MODS folder,read instructions in txt file,and study pilot's notes carefuly ;).

Warning:this is not a "QMB bird",you will find out why ;).And these are not compatible with Mod AOC.

Try them out,and tell me what you think.If you think that something should be done differently,don't hesitate to say :).


p.s.i would post in french,but I'm not sure if google will do a good job translating :/

Publié : jeu. juin 04, 2009 3:49 pm
par Obelix
Hi, Sani! Welcome on board!:flowers:

What are the differences between P-40E (Stock plane) and your Kittihawk?

Publié : jeu. juin 04, 2009 8:32 pm
par Sani
Difference is that you have to fly them by the book.You have to watch oil pressure,oil and coolant temperature.You must be careful to not overboost the engine etc.....otherwise bad things happen ;).

I've said these are not QMB birds because they require engine warm up and engine run up.

And these RAAF spec Kitty's are a little bit more powerful than regular versions.Read about them here: ... =kittyhawk

There was a great debate about this,is it historical or not because only a few documents exist where this "field tuning" is mentioned.
Personaly,I like the idea of P40 "HotRod" :).

Publié : jeu. juin 04, 2009 8:38 pm
par Narf
Hello, and welcome aboard on C6 forum, thank's for this wip mods, i try it right now....

Publié : ven. juin 05, 2009 3:07 am
par vtrelut
Pour les utilisateurs du pack C6: inutile de mettre a jour les fichiers et Pas de mise a jour de Buttons requise.

Il suffit d'ajouter les 2 entrees prevues pour le air.ini, de mettre le dossier du mod des Kittyhawks dans MODS, et normalement c'est OK pour voler.

Le Read-Me avec les notes de pilotage est dans le dossier du mod.


Thanks Sani! I notice your Java programming is different from Blitz and quite interesting. Result at the end is the same and it is very nice for users: no need for Buttons update!

I hope it will become clear that Buttons "dictatorship" is not necessary...

Publié : ven. juin 05, 2009 11:11 am
par Obelix
Gonna try them asap. It's a good idea, introducing some special features for engines... I guess it could be a good track for upgrading some new slot planes...

Publié : dim. juin 07, 2009 9:08 am
par PIPS
Oui !!! très très bien !!!! BRAVO ....

MAIS ?....vous faites comment pour les touches de batteries, switch richesse ? etc.....


Publié : lun. juin 08, 2009 3:06 pm
par PIPS
PIPS a écrit :Oui !!! très très bien !!!! BRAVO ....

MAIS ?....vous faites comment pour les touches de batteries, switch richesse ? etc.....

Hum...eeeeuuuuhhhh toc toc !!!! Y a quelqu'un qui peut répondre svp ? ou alors je fout le tout à la poubelle ???

Publié : lun. juin 08, 2009 3:24 pm
par Obelix
Richesse c'est prévu dans le panneau de config des commandes, les magnétos aussi pour la batterie, le cockpit ne serait-il pas cliquable? Et d'arrête d'écrire fort, y'a des gens qui dorment ici!

Publié : lun. juin 08, 2009 3:31 pm
par Sani
PIPS a écrit : MAIS ?....vous faites comment pour les touches de batteries, switch richesse ? etc..

Can you please write this in english? :)

Publié : lun. juin 08, 2009 9:02 pm
par PIPS
Hello Sani,

Thanks for your very good work..

A very important question that's seems nobody here is able to clarify...:wacko:

There are some action I am unable to do in the cockpit ......

1/ How to switch battery ( I have control for magnetos, but nothing for battery

2/ Switch for propeller safety control

3/ mixture control

4/ energyze starter and engage

Thanks by advance

Publié : lun. juin 08, 2009 11:44 pm
par Sani
PIPS a écrit :Hello Sani,

Thanks for your very good work..

A very important question that's seems nobody here is able to clarify...:wacko:

There are some action I am unable to do in the cockpit ......

1/ How to switch battery ( I have control for magnetos, but nothing for battery

2/ Switch for propeller safety control

3/ mixture control

4/ energyze starter and engage

Thanks by advance
Oh that stuff :D..well,there is a limit to what you can do in this game...maybe I've made a mistake in pilot's notes,I just copied warm up procedure from actual P40 manual :/.It looked good,no matter that some of that stuff cannot be done in game :(

Maaaaybe something could be done for battery switch.About mixture control,you have 100% and 120% which should represent autolean and autorich.Each of them will automaticaly adapt to altitude.If I enable manual mixture with 4 handle positions,no automatic adaptation to altitude which means you will have to manualy set mixture (which is not the case with real plane).
Energyze starter means winding up inertial starter (which is done electricaly)..and that is not modeled in the game at,basycaly that means "just start the engine" ;).
Switching propeller control to automatic means setting pitch to 100%.

I'm sorry,don't think that I was deliberately missleading you in any way.Like I've said,maybe I should have been more selective regarding what to copy from real P40 manual.

Publié : ven. juil. 17, 2009 12:58 am
par Sani
Just a small update ;)


Extract to mods folder and overwrite:

I have accidentaly uploaded wrong files last night,it's now updated with right files (same link)...sorry :(

Publié : sam. août 08, 2009 6:59 am
par vtrelut
At last we have a decent pylon for the P-40's fuel tank, it is a big improvement compared with the stock P-40s! (no pylon at all, fuel tank floats in the air). Thanks M8!