HL vue centrée
HL vue en butée inférieure
Mon PC en local vue centrée
Mon PC en local vue en butée inférieure
Voilà donc à part modifier le fichier server.lua je ne trouve pas d'autre solution ....
Mon fichier server.lua modifié :
-- View scripts
-- Copyright (C) 2004, Eagle Dynamics.
-- Don't change existing values, they are requested from Ñ++!
-- Use these indices in Snap and CockpitLocalPoint tables.
PlaneIndex = {
iSu_27 = 1,
iSu_33 = 2,
iSu_25 = 3,
iSu_39 = 4, -- Su-39 or Su-25T
iMiG_29 = 5,
iMiG_29K = 6,
iA_10 = 7,
iF_15 = 8,
DisableCombatViews = false -- F5 & Ctrl-F5
ExternalObjectsLockDistance = 10000.0
ShowTargetInfo = false
CameraTerrainRestriction = true
CockpitLocalPoint = {}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {8.15, 1.38, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {8.35, 1.35, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {3.0, 0.276, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {3.406, 0.466, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {4.92, 1.35, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {4.9, 1.254, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {3.991, 1.507, 0.0}
CockpitLocalPoint[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {6.45, 1.238, 0.0}
function GetCockpitLocalPoint(iType)
local p = CockpitLocalPoint[iType]
return p[1], p[2], p[3]
function SetCockpitLocalPoint(iType, x, y, z)
local p = CockpitLocalPoint[iType]
p[1] = x
p[2] = y
p[3] = z
-- Camera angle limits {horizontal angle max, vertical angle min, vertical angle max}
CameraAngleLimits = {}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_27] = {160.0, -120.0, 100.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_33] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_25] = {95.0, -65.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iSu_39] = {110.0, -80.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29] = {200.0, -120.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K] = {140.0, -65.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iA_10] = {140.0, -65.0, 90.0}
CameraAngleLimits[PlaneIndex.iF_15] = {140.0, -80.0, 90.0}
function GetCameraAngleLimits(iType)
local p = CameraAngleLimits[iType]
return p[1], p[2], p[3]
function SetCameraAngleLimits(iType, hAngMax, vAngMin, vAngMax)
local p = CameraAngleLimits[iType]
p[1] = hAngMax
p[2] = vAngMin
p[3] = vAngMax
-- Following values will not be saved in tracks in the current version!
hAngleRearDefault = 0.0
vAngleRearDefault = -8.0
vAngleRearMin = -8.0
vAngleRearMax = 90.0
function GetRearCameraPosition(iType)
local p = CockpitLocalPoint[iType]
local r = {}
r[1] = p[1] - 3.7
r[2] = p[2] + 2.4
r[3] = 0.0
return r[1], r[2], r[3]
-- LSO local position on the carrier: {x, y, z, rot_Y, rot_Z)
-- Note: tracks can't save modified LSO local positions in the current version!
LSOPosition = {}
LSOPosition["Vinson"] = {88.0, 28.0, 31.0, 0.0, 0.0}
LSOPosition["Kouznetsov"] = {81.236, 24.0, 28.497, 10.0, 0.0}
function GetLSOPosition(iType)
local p = LSOPosition[iType]
return p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]