FF5 Beta III

Tout pour améliorer Falcon 4.0. C'est la salle des modders, skinners et autres bidouilleurs !!!
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Elève Pilote
Elève Pilote
Messages : 770
Inscription : 24 avril 2003

FF5 Beta III


Message par AMAX »

Aragon à annoncé que la Beta est sortie pour le team FF

As Beta_III was just released to the Team, a new Preview Feedback Thread.

Shiny, spanking, new, improved.

win7 Core duo E8500 OC à 4ghz + 2 carte graphique ati vaporX 5750 1024mo en crossfire un disque 500go + 2hd 80go rai0 : ) Hotas cougar - palonier CHpro gameport modifié en usb avec un carte leonard. 2Mdf TH. G15 et G13. Track IR4pro. 3 ecran 8"
Falcon Freefalcon 5.55

Cougar FFW04
Chef de patrouille
Chef de patrouille
Messages : 5737
Inscription : 20 janvier 2002


Message par Cougar FFW04 »

Un message de Ara sur FF concernant un possible retard de la 'date' de sortie initialement :
Release was slated for December...


We have just had a complete reorganisation of the Team.

(Which continues as we type)

It *MAY* (or may NOT) affect our Release Date.

You've all been so patient, and it must SO VERY SUCK to have to continue waiting.

But - if it's a choice of giving you something "buggy" SOONER, or something "LESS buggy" LATER....

The "LESS buggy" will win.

Never again will FreeFalcon have such ridiculous wait times for releases.

We shall cultivate the habit of SMALLER releases, more frequently.

This will be the last MONSTER release.

(At least as far as the current Team goes)

It's too hard on us (ME...!!!) to coordinate such a LONG Development cycle.

It's too hard on YOU to be forced to wait SO LONG to get what you see Previewed.

What you are going to receive will have bugs.

(This is an objective fact. I could even list them for you... But - I won't... )

However - we are using this time (in which you wait) to ensure it has LESS bugs than it COULD have.


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