amraam a écrit :Bon deja pas besoin d'installer Falcon 4 de base. il suffit juste d'avoir le CD, rien de plus.
DX setup qui ce connecte a internet? Tu n'etais pas deja en DX9.0C?
Donne moi le contenu de ton CFG sinon.
j'ai également essayé sans installer, avec seulement le CD accessible en lecture. J'ai essayé aussi en patchant ma première install en 1.08us. Chou blanc. J'ai bien Dx9.0c.
Le contenu de mon *.cfg? s'il s'agit du falcon bms.cfg, voici son contenu:
// F4Patch Settings //
set g_fCursorSpeed 1.0
set g_fRadarScale 0.75
set g_bEnableColorMfd 1
set g_bEPAFRadarCues 1
set g_bGrayScaleGM 1
set g_bMFDHighContrast 0
set g_fHSDSymbolSize 0.025
set g_bSmallerBullseye 1
set g_bAWACSRequired 1
set g_bBarcapNoBarcap 0
set g_bNoDTCForRampStart 1
set g_bUseAggresiveIncompleteA2G 1
set g_bAppendToBriefingFile 0
set g_nPrintToFile 1
set g_bLogEvents 1
set g_bBriefHTML 0
set g_fDefaultFOV 60
set g_nPadlockBoxSize 2
set g_bEnableDisplacementCam 1
set g_bFullScreenNVG 1
set g_bPlayIntroMovie 0
set g_bCalibrationHg 1
set g_bExternalTrackIR 0
set g_bInvertExternalTrackIR 0
set g_bUseExternalWindows 0
set g_bDoubleRTTResolution 1
set g_bUseVirtualRudder 0
set g_bUseAnalogIdleCutoff 0
set g_bReducePSFires 0
set g_bUseShaders 1
set g_bUseNvgShaderFullscreen 0
set g_bHdrLighting 1
set g_bHdrLightingStar 1
set g_bUseHeatHazeShader 1
set g_bUseMotionBlurShader 0
set g_fMotionBlurFactor 0.2
set g_bShaderRendering 1
set g_bEnvironmentMapping 1
set g_bPixelLighting 1
set g_bVertexLighting 0
set g_bShowRainDrops 1
set g_bShowRainRings 1
set g_bShowFarRain 1
set g_bShadowMapping 1
set g_bCockpitShadows 1
set g_bFocusShadows 1
set g_bWaterNormalMapping 1
set g_bWaterEnvironmentMapping 1
set g_bEnvMapRenderClouds 1
set g_bEnvMapRenderFocusObject 1
set g_bTripleBuffering 1
// MP Settings //
set g_nTaxiLaunchTime 4 // Time before startup
set g_nReagTimer 2 // AB A/C spawn-> delay before taxiing
set g_nDeagTimer 2 // AB A/C despawn-> delay before disappearing
set g_npercentage_available_aircraft 75 // Determines what proportion of your squadron's roster will be available (in %)
set g_nminimum_available_aircraft 4 // Setting allows you to limit the effect of a low 'percentage' setting (lower-limit of available aircraft)
set g_bIDMDatalink 1 // Set to 1 enables the IDM datalink
set g_bEnableABRelocation 0 // Airbase relocation
set g_bServerHostAll 1 // The server has the full CPU load and bandwidth traffic of all aggregated and deaggregated units
// Misc Settings //
set g_bVoiceCom 1 // Enable Voice Communications
set g_nF1TeamUiFreq 307300 // Frequency for F1 UI voice comms (for Force on Force type missions).
set g_nF2TeamUiFreq 1234 // Frequency for F2 UI voice comms (for Force on Force type missions).
set g_bhudAOA 1 // Turns OFF the HUD AOA.
set g_bLocalEnvironmentalDate 0 // Makes the TimeManager use the local system date for environmental lighting calculations
set g_bHotasDgftSelfCancel 0 // set to 1 = SRM and MRM override callbacks will call the override cancel callback for you
set g_nHotasPinkyShiftMagnitude 256 // Enable DirectX Shifting and specify button offset
set g_fFOVIncrement 5 // Sets how much the field of view should change for each keypress in degrees
set g_fMaximumFOV 80 // Limits the maximum amount that the FOV can be increased
set g_bNoAAAEventRecords 0 // This option, set to 1, removes AAA shots from debrief
set g_bACMIRecordMsgOff 1 // Turns off the ACMI RECORDING msg
set g_nPadlockBoxThickness 1 // Determines the thickness of the padlock box
set g_nDynamicVoices 16 // Maximum number of voices allocated by the sound code
set g_nSoundUpdateMS 10 // How many milliseconds must elapse before the sound code updates
set g_nSoundSwitchFix 1 // This patch may fix the problem of AI comms disappearing
set g_bPilotEntertainment 0 // Enables the user to control WinAmp
set g_nWinAmpInitVolume 204 // Sets the initial WimAmp volume
set g_fAmbientmin 0.1 // Allows to tweak sky brightness at night
set g_bForce16bitDisplay 0 // Forces 16 bit display device.
set g_bNewThreadTiming 1 // If experiencing hiccups/stuttering in the UI with multi-core processors, try set to 0
set g_bUseTerrainNightLightsTextureFilter 1 // This controls which texture filter to use for the terrain tile night lights (1=anisotropic filter - 0=point filter)
set g_bUseTracerColors 1 // Any aircraft from a Red team will have green tracers
set g_bEnableRandomFailures = 0 // This enables random failures
set g_fMeanTimeBetweenFailures = 24.0 // The MTBF in hours
set g_bF16MfdHasRwr 0 // This enables the RWR MFD page back for the F16s
set g_bMouseWheelKnobs 1 // Allows mouse wheel to turn knobs in 3d pit
set g_bAllowAICommsDrop 1 // Enables the A.I. flight comms radio message filter (intra-flight comms of other flights in the same package will not be heard)
set g_bUseIvcUiVolume 1 // UI IVC Volume is controlled independently from the COMM1/2/UHF/VHF volume sliders
set g_nIvcUiVolume 5 // UI IVC Volume in db, range -6 to +6 (if controlled independently)
set g_bPreventScreensaver 1 // Prevent activation of screensaver/powersave mode (1=prevent, 0=do not prevent)
set g_bPrettyScreenShot 0 // If set, PrtScr key will make pretty screenshots (no overlays) instead of normal ones (1=pretty, 0=normal)
// Weather Settings //
set g_nWxStratusBaseSunny 35000 // Vars to control the stratus base for Sunny weather
set g_nWxStratusBaseFair 30000 // Vars to control the stratus base for Fair weather
set g_nWxStratusBasePoor 13300 // Vars to control the stratus base for Poor weather
set g_nWxStratusBaseInclement 7500 // Vars to control the stratus base for Inclement weather
// Beta Testing Settings //
set g_nPadlockMode 14 // Padlock Mode
set g_fPadlockBreakDistance 8.0 // Padlock break distance
set g_fFormationBurnerDistance 10.0 // AI formation burner allowance distance
set g_bLabelShowDistance 1 // When turned On, labels also display distance in nm
set g_nNearLabelLimit 100 // Sets the near label limit
set g_bSmartCombatAP 1 // Enables the Combat Autopilot to shoot AA missiles
set g_nNumberOfSubTitles 10 // Determines the maximum number of simultanously displayed subtitles
set g_nSubTitleTTL 10000 // Governs the time a radio subtitle is drawn
set g_bRealisticMavTime 1 // Enables realistic Maverick seeker head gyro spool up time of 3 minutes
set g_fMavFOVLevel 4 // These variables control the amount of zoom of the EXP and FOV modes on the Maverick
set g_fMavEXPLevel 2.0 // These variables control the amount of zoom of the EXP and FOV modes on the Maverick
set g_bnewAMRAAMdlz 1 // Enabless M2 style AIM-120 DLZ
set g_bNoRPMOnHud 1 // Removes the RPM indication on your HUD, as in the real aircraft
set g_fAIRefuelSpeed 1 // Sets a multiplier factor so AI refuel faster on the boom
set g_nEnableNewLineup 0 // Enables the new runway lineup code
set g_bCanopyOpenForRampStarts 1 // Option to have the canopy open at mission start when you choose RAMP
set g_bServer 0 // This option puts FalconBMS into Multiplayer Server mode. A server mode session can't enter the 3D world
set g_bUsePsTracers 1 // Uses the particle system for tracers
set g_bAnyWaypointTask 1 // Allows you to assign any task to any waypoint
set g_bAIGloc 1 // Toggles AI GLoc
set g_bAIjamLogic 0 // Changes to the AI jamming usage
set g_bHelosReloc 1 // Relocates helicopter squads faster
set g_bRealisticAttrition 1 // Enables the campaign engine to subtract destroyed vehicles and aircraft along with any munitions carried
set g_bScramble 1 // Allows scramble missions
set g_b3DClickableCursorChange 1 // Setting this enables the cursor to let the pilot know he is over a clickable area of the 3D pit
set g_bNewFormationCode 1 // Makes AI use same routine as tanker code to fly in formation
set g_bWindShortChange 1 // Wind force and direction short time changes for new FM code
set g_bNewAIMissileLaunchRange 1 // New Missile Launch Range based on skill level and random percentage
set g_bEnableBSPMeshBuilder 1 // Runtime LOD to Mesh conversion
set g_sRadioTowerCol "0xFFFF0000" // Sets radio tower comm subtitles to bright red
set g_bEnableExclusiveMouseCapture 1 // Captures the mouse when in 3D so that you don't click something on the desktop when running windowed mode
set g_bFilterExternalWindows 1 // Applies anisotropic filter to external windows (if in use)
set g_nTrackIRTimeout 1000 // The time (in ms) without input after which TrackIR deactivates itself and relinquishes control to alternative devices
set g_nNoPlayerPlay 900 // Allowance to run MP Campaign servers without suffering poor player performance input
set g_bActivateDebugStuff 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_bCampLabels 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_nShowDebugLabels 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_bShowMipUsage 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_b3DClickableCockpitDebug 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_bFake3dpit6DOF 0 // Debug stuffs
set g_bAIprofile 0 // Debug stuffs