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I have some ask or better to say - help from French community. Ilya translated:
I need some help with signs for French buildings. I need a French-speaking to help us with this.
Here's what it is. Our buildings have empty spaces that display random textures that can say Bakery or Bank or Pub, things like that. We need to come up with a bunch of signs for France that will display there.
These can be generic names (Cafe & Bakery) or specific names ("John's Cafe", "Callahan Pub").
These can even be geographical, such as Main Street Cafe or Dover Bank, as long as it's OK to have that name in any random location in that country, i.e. Canterbury Bookstore in London etc.
These CANNOT be actual recognizable company names, i.e. no Michelin or Renault or anything.
The more the variety of business types, the better - cafe, bakery, bank, restaurant, newsstand, jewelry, hotel, antiques, pharmacy, books, grocery, etc.
We need about 20 - 30 of these.