A-10 Su-25T Mission Packs update

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Inscription : 21 février 2005

A-10 Su-25T Mission Packs update


Message par ThomasDWeiss »


A-10 Su-25T Mission Pack 1

A-10 Su-25T Mission Pack 2

Both updated to work better with 1.1.1 - now with a 'busy airbase' , better Air base defenses, AWACS orbit improved and some newer Russian Units added.

Lockonfiles requires a simple registration to download - it is a feature of the site's download module software which can't be changed. If Check Six would like to host these packs, I would be more than happy.

I wish you all a Happy 2006 !!!

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Message par STEFOSTEF »

thanks Thomas
Asrock E3 890GX Phenom II X6 @4ghz avec Corsair H50 8go SSD OCZ agility2 HD6950@ 6970 Seven 64
Hulk of Dover Never before in the fields of human gaming has so much been promised by so few and not been delivered to so many.

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