Mission Pack

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Topic author
Silver Star
Messages : 242
Inscription : 26 mars 2004


Message par Silver Star »

Voila ca fait un bout de temps qu'il traine sur mon disque dur
Alors je vous le propose hein, m'en voulez pas :P
Faites attention la mission nommée OP: Last Chance requiert beaucoup de capacités machines... car il y a beaucoup d'objectifs au sol.
Amusez-vous bien!
Tower: 95 Delta, do you read the tower?
95D: 675, sir
Tower: 95 Delta, Say Again
95D: I think it is 675.
Tower: 95 Delta, What do you mean by 675?
95D: I mean I think I read "Elevation 675 feet" on the tower as I taxied by for takeoff, but I am too far away to read it now.
Tower: 95 Delta, you are cleared to land. Please give the tower a call ON THE TELEPHONE after you have tied down.

Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 3747
Inscription : 26 janvier 2004


Message par Maverick92 »

C'est dans la boite. Merci! :)

Topic author
Silver Star
Messages : 242
Inscription : 26 mars 2004


Message par Silver Star »

No problemo vieille branche :drunk:
Tower: 95 Delta, do you read the tower?
95D: 675, sir
Tower: 95 Delta, Say Again
95D: I think it is 675.
Tower: 95 Delta, What do you mean by 675?
95D: I mean I think I read "Elevation 675 feet" on the tower as I taxied by for takeoff, but I am too far away to read it now.
Tower: 95 Delta, you are cleared to land. Please give the tower a call ON THE TELEPHONE after you have tied down.

Topic author
Silver Star
Messages : 242
Inscription : 26 mars 2004


Message par Silver Star »

Alors c'est comment?
Tower: 95 Delta, do you read the tower?
95D: 675, sir
Tower: 95 Delta, Say Again
95D: I think it is 675.
Tower: 95 Delta, What do you mean by 675?
95D: I mean I think I read "Elevation 675 feet" on the tower as I taxied by for takeoff, but I am too far away to read it now.
Tower: 95 Delta, you are cleared to land. Please give the tower a call ON THE TELEPHONE after you have tied down.

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