il y a une update terrain également qui elle est dispo ... 31b5fa2ace
List of fixes and contributors
1 Cures the flying cliffs on the Isle of Wight: Hurricane Hicken
2 Mapping the Pas de Calais region of France: Don E Brooke, Heini, Hurricane Hicken, PV. Especially PV!
3 The Cerne Abbas giant and Maiden castle in Dorset: Hurricane Hicken
4 Removes animals from all Fighter Command airfields: Hurricane Hicken
5 Harbour to Folkestone: PV
6 Removes flashes of sea in several places: HH
7 Raise FPS slightly and improve looks at Tangmere, Kenley and Biggin Hill: HH
8 Puts Stonehenge in it's proper place: HH, PV
9 Improved the North of England,with some of Derbyshire mapped: HH
10 Stop roads going over woods at several places near Kenley airfield: HH
11 Northern France. New SRTM height data added from Coquelles to just South of Boulogne: PV
12 Rebuilt Dover. Area around Dover was corrupted, so tile could not be worked on: PV
13 East Kent. New SRTM height data added: HH
14 Corrected RDF stations locations and changed CHL to be CHL stations, and CH to be CH stations: HH
15 Kenley Hangers rotated correctly: HH
16 Layout of CH stations modified to be more historic: HH
17 Objects added for Boulogne harbour: HH
18 Minor fix to cliffs near Brighton Pier:HH
19 Objects for Folkestone Harbour: HH
20 Isle of Sheppey (Eastchurch airfield). New SRTM height data added: HH
21 Isle of Sheppey. New objects added: HH
22 Lewis guns removed from Biggin Hill and Lympne airfields as they may cause problems: HH
23 Relocated Pembrey airfield, as it was on on a random hill! HH
24 New French objects and relaid out existing ones to match new French Terrain: Jeff 'Stickman' Stickley
25 Moved Colerne airfield: HH