Merging missions. Help needed

Tout sur Lockon et ses upgrades : FC1 et FC2 .

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Inscription : 30 avril 2007

Merging missions. Help needed


Message par John_dow »

I've found one utility "ImpExpGrpLO" by Patrick DIDIER, which can import groups from one mission file into another. It seeems OK, but it doesn't work under WinXP SP2 ("unhandled exception"), only under SP1.
How this can be repaired?
Any contacts of the author?
Any other util with the same functionality?
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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 11399
Inscription : 17 août 2001


Message par Oxitom »

I 've the same problem with 1Pc, but with an other, the utility work well. Twice with XP sp2.
I have any idea for a solution, sorry. And we not readed a message from the author since maybe two years..

Sorry for mistakes with english language.

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