'Neon[UNIC a écrit :']Bonjour ,voila je me remet a lock on normal ,et je peind pas mal pour la derniere mission de la campagne par default du su27
JE n'arrive pas a tenir face aux 4 f16 qui me font face
Je me souviens d'un track ,qui montrais le su27 eviter tout les missiles de 3 f15 en effectuant des pirouettes
Je me refere a ce track ci
Le probleme est que je vois bien ce qu'il fais comme figure ,le probleme est que je n'arrive pas a le reproduire ,je suis bien en post combustion mais en tirant le manche a fond dans le coin je perd tres vite de l'energie ,comment dois-je faire pour arriver a faire ces figures?
Je sais qu'il y a pas mal de topic sur les evitement de missiles mais celui la semble celui qui a toujours le mieux marcher
Hello, if you are able to post a Track File here of one of your engagements. I would be happy to look at it this weekend and tell you what I think you could be doing differently to improve.
Turn on Immortal and fly until the bandits fire all missiles, even if you get hit, fly as if you have not.
I had to use “Babelfish” to translate the page, but if I am reading correctly I think *Ezor might be right in the pressure your applying during the “Barrel Roll”.
Pull all they way back, & half or more to the side, not all the way.
You want to make a violent but smooth cut thru the “Roll”
The missiles speed is it’s weakness.
Do not listen to those who would tell you that you need Immortal, Labels, or Externals turned on. They are wrong. If you need them at first, fine. You can turn them off later, after you learn.
One person here who can confirm this is *Pignouf, who flew with and against me Online at Hyper Lobby on many severs without Immortal/Labels/Externals, and participated in the English “Missile discussions” at UBI that led to “Barrel Rollin‘ Fool“ Track.
The Barrel Roll is, I found out later, a described maneuver by Robert Shaw, who used it in combat against A2A & SAM’s effectively, and made it home to write about it. (that say’s it all) It is not an exploit.
At the same time I made “Barrel Rollin’ Fool”, I made a Russian Missile Track (27 V 3-33’s fully loaded no ECM) to demonstrate that the Barrel Roll worked against the Russian Missiles. (R73,27R,27ER in the example) The results were/are the same for ALL Missiles, they miss. I just never posted it here at C6 because our discussions at UBI centered around the “New“ 120‘s proximity fuse, and it looks the same as the first. Redundant.
The “Barrel Roll” works with all fighter aircraft (15/27/29/33), I just prefer the 27. It works well enough for me that some of the larger Squad Severs have asked me not to fly against them, even if I’m alone.
In closing I would like to thank KJ & Kovy for their help, and all those who applauded my effort with this track in this, and the previous missile evasion thread.
I hope it has helped some defeat their enemy’s