Donc voila le programme s'appel Ikarus
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(le repertoire en entier)
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-- load the DCS ExportScript for DAC and Ikarus
-- L-39C
-- Version 1.0.0
ExportScript.FoundDCSModule = true
ExportScript.ConfigEveryFrameArguments =
-- Front Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[67] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime hours
[68] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime minutes
[70] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[73] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight time meter status
[71] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight hours
[72] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight minutes
[69] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[58] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[59] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[63] = "%.f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[62] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[74] = "%.4f", -- Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[76] = "%.4f", -- Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[75] = "%.4f", -- Variometer turn {-1.0, -0.58, -0.275, 0.275, 0.58, 1.0} {-math.rad(5.7), math.rad(-3.8), math.rad(-1.9), math.rad(1.9), math.rad(3.8), math.rad(5.7)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[38] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[35] = "%.4f", -- KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[34] = "%.4f", -- KPP Alt Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[36] = "%.4f", -- KPP Glide Beacon
[37] = "%.4f", -- KPP Localizer Beacon
[29] = "%.4f", -- KPP Arretir
[32] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[33] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
-- NPP (HSI)
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (yellow needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[43] = "%.4f", -- HSI bearing needle {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[47] = "%.4f", -- HSI Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[45] = "%.4f", -- HSI Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[46] = "%.4f", -- HSI Glide Beacon
[44] = "%.4f", -- HSI Localizer Beacon
[189] = "%.4f", -- RSBN NAV Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[190] = "%.4f", -- RSBN LAND Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[66] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 100
[65] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 10
[64] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 1
[580] = "%.4f", -- RSBN PanelLightsLmp
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20
[52] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[53] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[54] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[55] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[637] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[632] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[631] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[630] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[636] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[635] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[634] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[633] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[49] = "%.4f", -- IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[50] = "%.4f", -- TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
-- RKL-41
[77] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[156] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 Signal
[531] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 heading {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[530] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 variation {-1.0, 1.0}{-math.pi, math.pi}
-- electric interface
[92] = "%.4f", -- Voltmeter {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 40.0}
[93] = "%.4f", -- Ampermeter {0.0, 1.0}{-100.0, 300.0}
-- oxygen interface
[301] = "%.4f", -- OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[302] = "%.4f", -- FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[86] = "%.4f", -- Acceleration {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[88] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMin {0.31, 0.695}{-5.0, 1.0}
[87] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMax {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[95] = "%.4f", -- CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[96] = "%.4f", -- PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Hydro Pressure
[198] = "%.4f", -- MainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[200] = "%.4f", -- AuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[98] = "%.4f", -- BrakeLMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[99] = "%.4f", -- BrakeRMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[100] = "%.4f", -- BrakeAuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
-- Fuel Quantity
[91] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[85] = "%.4f", -- Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[84] = "%.4f", -- Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[83] = "%.4f", -- Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[82] = "%.4f", -- Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[81] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- Engine Temp
[90] = "%.4f", -- Engine Temp {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 900.0}
-- EngineVibration
[94] = "%.4f", -- EngineVibration {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0}
-- PitchTrimInd
[247] = "%.4f", -- PitchTrimInd {1.0, -1.0}{-1.0, 1.0}
-- lights system
--[533] = "%.4f", -- CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
--[558] = "%.4f", -- CompassLightIntensity
--[555] = "%.4f", -- EmergencyLightIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[561] = "%.f", -- FarNDBSelectorLamp
[570] = "%.f", -- NearNDBSelectorLamp
[563] = "%.f", -- PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[127] = "%.4f", -- BrakeHandle
-- Lamps
[18] = "%.f", -- MRP 56
[6] = "%.f", -- MainGenerator
[9] = "%.f", -- ReserveGennerator
[12] = "%.f", -- Inverter115
[16] = "%.f", -- Inverter363
[316] = "%.f", -- GroundPower
[278] = "%.f", -- FlapsUp
[279] = "%.f", -- FlapsTO
[280] = "%.f", -- FlapsDn
[117] = "%.f", -- AirBrakes
[113] = "%.f", -- GearDown front
[112] = "%.f", -- GearDown left
[114] = "%.f", -- GearDown right
[110] = "%.f", -- GearUp front
[109] = "%.f", -- GearUp left
[111] = "%.f", -- GearUp right
[115] = "%.f", -- ExtendGears
[116] = "%.f", -- DoorsOut
[185] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correction
[186] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correction
[15] = "%.f", -- BreakdownFinished
[123] = "%.f", -- GA TILT
[206] = "%.f", -- GA TILT PU26
[2] = "%.f", -- DangerAltitude
[27] = "%.f", -- EmergFuel
[23] = "%.f", -- TurboStarter
[4] = "%.f", -- Remain150
[7] = "%.f", -- DoNotStart
[26] = "%.f", -- FuelFilter
[14] = "%.f", -- WingTanks
[246] = "%.f", -- TrimmerRollNeutral
[3] = "%.f", -- MachMeterLamp
[10] = "%.f", -- CanopyNotClosed
[556] = "%.f", -- LeftPitot
[557] = "%.f", -- RightPitot
[8] = "%.f", -- Vibration
[1] = "%.f", -- Fire
[28] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature700
[24] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature730
[20] = "%.f", -- EngineMinOilPressure
[359] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correct
[362] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correct
[19] = "%.f", -- HSI Accordance
[11] = "%.f", -- CockpitPressure
[22] = "%.f", -- ConditioningClosed
[25] = "%.f", -- Defrost
[21] = "%.f", -- Ice
[182] = "%.f", -- RIO HeatingOk
[5] = "%.f", -- HydraulicPressureDrop
[253] = "%.f", -- MasterDanger
[17] = "%.f", -- EmergConditioning
[562] = "%.f", -- RadioUnderControl
-- Back Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[405] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime hours
[406] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime minutes
[408] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[411] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight time meter status
[409] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight hours
[410] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight minutes
[407] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[396] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[397] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[401] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[400] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[416] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[418] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[417] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer turn {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.rad(6.0), math.rad(6.0)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[375] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
[368] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
[377] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[372] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[373] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Glide Beacon
[374] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Localizer Beacon
[366] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Arretir
[369] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[370] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
[378] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 heading {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[379] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 commanded course needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[380] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 bearing needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[384] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[382] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[383] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Glide Beacon
[381] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Localizer Beacon
[404] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 100
[403] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 10
[402] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 1
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20 instructor
[389] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[390] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[391] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[392] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[393] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[737] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[732] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[731] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[730] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[736] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[735] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[734] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[733] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[386] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[387] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[388] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - MACH 2
-- RKL-41
[420] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[513] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 Signal
-- oxygen interface
[477] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[478] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[550] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[551] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Fuel Quantity
[427] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[425] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[424] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[423] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[422] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[421] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- lights system
--[559] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[564] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FarNDBSelectorLamp CP
[571] = "%.f", -- Backseat - NearNDBSelectorLamp CP
[566] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RKL PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[542] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - BrakeHandle CP
-- Lamps
[358] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MRP 56 Instructor
[347] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MainGen Instructor
[350] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ReserveGen Instructor
[353] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter115 Instructor
[357] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter363 Instructor
[462] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsUp
[463] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsTO
[464] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsDn
[436] = "%.f", -- Backseat - AirBrakes
[432] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown front
[431] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown left
[433] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown right
[429] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp front
[428] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp left
[430] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp right
[434] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ExtendGears
[435] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoorsOu
[356] = "%.f", -- Backseat - BreakdownFinished
[443] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GA TILT
[343] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DangerAltitudeInstructor
[365] = "%.f", -- Backseat - EmergFuel
[345] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Remain150
[348] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoNotStart
[364] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FuelFilter
[355] = "%.f", -- Backseat - WingTanks
[441] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerRollNeutral
[442] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerPitchNeutral
[344] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MachMeterLamp
[351] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CanopyNotClosed
[349] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Vibration
[342] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Fire
[352] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CockpitPressure
[361] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ConditioningClosed
[363] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Defrost
[360] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Ice
[346] = "%.f", -- Backseat - HydraulicPressureDrop
[455] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MasterDanger
[565] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RadioUnderControl
ExportScript.ConfigArguments =
arguments for export in low tick interval
based on "clickabledata.lua"
-- Front Seat
-- ASP-3NMU Gunsight
[101] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mode, GYRO/FIXED
[102] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Brightness Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
[103] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Wingspan Adjustment Dial (meters) (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[104] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Color Filter, ON/OFF
[105] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Fixed Reticle Mask Lever
[106] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mirror Depression (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[107] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Distance (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[335] = "%1d", -- Mech clock left lever Button
[336] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[337] = "%1d", -- Mech clock right lever Button
[338] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[57] = "%.f2", -- Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[60] = "%1d", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[61] = "%.2f", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
[204] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Hemisphere Selection Switch, N(orth)/S(outh)
[207] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Mode Switch, MC(Magnetic Compass Mode)/GC(Directional Gyro Mode)
[205] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Test Switch, 0(degrees)/OFF/300(degrees) - Use to check heading indication accuracy {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[208] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Course Selector Switch, CCW/OFF/CW {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[209] = "%.2f", -- GMK-1AE GMC Latitude Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
-- Gyro
[124] = "%1d", -- MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- Magnetic Variation
[532] = "%.2f", -- Magnetic Declination set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[30] = "%1d", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[39] = "%.2f", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[177] = "%1d", -- SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[460] = "%1d", -- AGD Pitch Failure
[461] = "%1d", -- AGD Bank Failure
-- NPP (HSI)
[48] = "%.2f", -- HSI Course set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
[526] = "%1d", -- Course Accordance
[458] = "%1d", -- GMK Failure
[178] = "%.1f", -- RSBN Mode Switch, LANDING/NAVIGATION/GLIDE PATH {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[179] = "%1d", -- RSBN Identification Button
[180] = "%1d", -- RSBN Test Button - Push to test
[181] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Control Box Lighting Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[184] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[187] = "%1d", -- Initial Azimuth {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[188] = "%1d", -- Initial Range {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[191] = "%.3f", -- RSBN Navigation Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[192] = "%1d", -- RSBN Landing Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[193] = "%1d", -- Set 0 Azimuth
[201] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Field Elevation Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
[297] = "%1d", -- RSBN Listen Callsign Button - Push to listen
[527] = "%1d", -- RSBN Emergency Landing Switch, ON/OFF
-- Variometer
[569] = "%.1f", -- Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[119] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[157] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[161] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[159] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[160] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[162] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[158] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[165] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[163] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[164] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[168] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[166] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[167] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[459] = "%1d", -- ARK Failure
-- electric system
[141] = "%1d", -- Battery Switch, ON/OFF
[142] = "%1d", -- Main Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[143] = "%1d", -- Emergency Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[502] = "%1d", -- Net Switch, ON/OFF
[169] = "%1d", -- Emergency Engine Instruments Power Switch, ON/OFF
[315] = "%1d", -- Turbo Button
[313] = "%1d", -- Stop Turbo Switch, ON/OFF
[326] = "%1d", -- Engine Button
[320] = "%1d", -- Emergency Fuel Switch
[322] = "%.1f", -- Engine Start Mode Switch, START/FALSE START/COLD CRANKING {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[144] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Switch, ON/OFF
[145] = "%1d", -- CB AGD-GMK Switch, ON/OFF
[146] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 1 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[147] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 2 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[148] = "%1d", -- CB RDO (ICS and Radio) Switch, ON/OFF
[149] = "%1d", -- CB MRP-RV (Marker Beacon Receiver and Radio Altimeter) Switch, ON/OFF
[150] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Switch, ON/OFF
[151] = "%1d", -- CB IFF (SRO) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[152] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[153] = "%1d", -- CB Wing Tanks Switch, ON/OFF
[154] = "%1d", -- CB RIO-3 De-Icing Signal Switch, ON/OFF
[155] = "%1d", -- CB SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[505] = "%1d", -- CB Weapon Switch, ON/OFF
[211] = "%1d", -- CB Air Conditioning, ON/OFF
[212] = "%1d", -- CB Anti-Ice, ON/OFF
[213] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Left, ON/OFF
[214] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Right, ON/OFF
[215] = "%1d", -- CB PT-500C, ON/OFF
[216] = "%1d", -- CB ARC, ON/OFF
[217] = "%1d", -- CB SRO, ON/OFF
[218] = "%1d", -- CB Seat-Helmet, ON/OFF
[219] = "%1d", -- CB Gears, ON/OFF
[220] = "%1d", -- CB Control, ON/OFF
[221] = "%1d", -- CB Signaling, ON/OFF
[222] = "%1d", -- CB Nav. Lights, ON/OFF
[223] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Left, ON/OFF
[224] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Right, ON/OFF
[225] = "%1d", -- CB Red Lights, ON/OFF
[226] = "%1d", -- CB White Lights, ON/OFF
[227] = "%1d", -- CB Start Panel, ON/OFF
[228] = "%1d", -- CB Booster Pump, ON/OFF
[229] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 1, ON/OFF
[230] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 2, ON/OFF
[231] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Instruments, ON/OFF
[232] = "%1d", -- CB Fire, ON/OFF
[233] = "%1d", -- CB Emergency Jettison, ON/OFF
[234] = "%1d", -- CB SARPP, ON/OFF
[503] = "%1d", -- CB Seat, ON/OFF
[504] = "%1d", -- CB Signal, ON/OFF
[512] = "%1d", -- CB Ground Intercom, ON/OFF
[294] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[295] = "%1d", -- Main (Right) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[292] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
[293] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
-- lights system
[176] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Mode Control Switch, FLICKER/OFF/FIXED {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[175] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Intensity Control Switch, DIM(30%)/BRT(60%)/MAX(100%) {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[311] = "%1d", -- Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[330] = "%1d", -- Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[331] = "%.1f", -- Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[249] = "%1d", -- Emergency Instrument Light Switch, ON/OFF
[202] = "%.1f", -- Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[203] = "%1d", -- Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- Weapon System
[254] = "%1d", -- CB Armament System Power Switch, ON/OFF
[255] = "%1d", -- CB UB-16 Rocket Firing Control Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[256] = "%1d", -- CB ASP-FKP (Gunsight and Gun Camera) Power Switch, ON/OFF
[257] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Heating Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[258] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Glowing Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[259] = "%.1f", -- Missile Seeker Tone Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[268] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BLANK
[271] = "%.1f", -- Rockets Firing Mode Selector Switch, AUT./2RS/4RS {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[509] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BOMBS/BLANK {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[507] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Switch, ON/OFF
[273] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Signal Flare Dispenser Power Switch, ON/OFF
[274] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Yellow Signal Flare Launch Button
[275] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Green Signal Flare Launch Button
[276] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Red Signal Flare Launch Button
[277] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 White Signal Flare Launch Button
[260] = "%1d", -- Missile/Bomb Release Selector Switch, PORT(Left)/STARB-BOTH(Right for Missiles/Both)
[270] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Outboard Stations Switch, ON/OFF
-- oxygen system
[303] = "%1d", -- Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[304] = "%1d", -- Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[307] = "%1d", -- Helmet Ventilation Switch, ON/OFF
[306] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[484] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Interconnaction Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- sarpp
[298] = "%1d", -- SARPP Flight Recorder, ON/OFF
-- fuel system
[296] = "%1d", -- Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[172] = "%.2f", -- Cabin Air Conditioning Control Switch, OFF/HEAT/COOL/AUTOMATIC {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[173] = "%.1f", -- Cabin Air Temperature Controller Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[121] = "%.2f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Air Conditioning Control Switch, HEAT/AUTO/COOL {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[120] = "%.1f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[511] = "%1d", -- Conditioning Shutoff Switch, OPEN/FRONT PILOT CONTROL/CLOSE {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
-- anti-icing system
[174] = "%1d", -- De-Icing Mode Switch, MANUAL/AUTOMATIC/OFF {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[183] = "%1d", -- RIO-3 De-Icing Sensor Heating Circuit Check Button - Push to test
-- helmet heating
[309] = "%1d", -- Helmet Visor Quick Heating Button - Push to heat
[308] = "%1d", -- Helmet Heating Mode Switch, AUTO/OFF/ON {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[310] = "%.1f", -- Helmet Heating Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[209] = "%1d", -- Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[291] = "%1d", -- ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[288] = "%1d", -- Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[289] = "%1d", -- Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[134] = "%1d", -- Radio Button
[133] = "%1d", -- Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[287] = "%1d", -- Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[286] = "%1d", -- Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[284] = "%1d", -- R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- engine systems
[329] = "%1d", -- IV-300 Engine Vibration Test Button - Push to test
[328] = "%1d", -- Fire Extinguish Button - Push to extinguish
[272] = "%1d", -- Fire Warning Signal Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[324] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Manual Disable Switch, RT-12 DISABLED/RT-12 ENABLED
[243] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Power Switch, ON/OFF
[242] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[499] = "%1d", -- EGT Indicator Switch, FRONT/REAR
-- control system
[281] = "%1d", -- Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[282] = "%1d", -- Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[283] = "%1d", -- Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[549] = "%1d", -- Throttle Limiter
[135] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch {0.0,1.0}
[136] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch (2nd position) {0.0,1.0}
[118] = "%1d", -- Landing Gear Control Lever {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[334] = "%.1f", -- Emergency/Parking Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[334] = "%1d", -- Parking Brake Lever Flag - Push to remove parking brake
[197] = "%1d", -- Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[194] = "%1d", -- Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[195] = "%1d", -- Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[196] = "%1d", -- RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[456] = "%1d", -- Full Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
[457] = "%1d", -- Static Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
-- accelerometer
[89] = "%1d", -- Reset Limits
-- canopy
[998] = "%1d", -- Canopy Handle
[285] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Lock Handle
[244] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- Pitot Selector
[333] = "%1d", -- Pitot Tube Selector Lever, STBY(Left)/MAIN(Right)
-- Back Seat
[412] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever Button
[413] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[414] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever Button
[415] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[394] = "%.f2", -- Backseat - Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[398] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[399] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
-- Gyro
[444] = "%1d", -- Backseat - MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[367] = "%1d", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[376] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob (Axis) {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- NPP (HSI)
[385] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - HSI Course set knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
-- Variometer
[419] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[440] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[514] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[518] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[516] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[517] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[519] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT
[515] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[522] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[520] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[521] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[525] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[523] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[524] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
-- electric system
[488] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Turbo Button
[494] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Engine Button
[490] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Stop Engine Switch
[492] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Fuel Switch
-- lights system
[486] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[497] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[498] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[537] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[538] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- oxygen system
[479] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[480] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[482] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- fuel system
[475] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[473] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[474] = "%1d", -- Backseat - ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[471] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[472] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[547] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Button
[546] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[470] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[469] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[468] = "%1d", -- Backseat - R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- control system
[465] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[466] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[467] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[548] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Air Brake Switch {-1.0, 0.0, 1.0}
[437] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Landing Gear Control Lever {0.0,0.5,1.0} ??? eigentlich 4 Positionen
[501] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Emergency Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[536] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[533] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[534] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[535] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
-- canopy
[999] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Handle
[485] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Lock Handle
[539] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- done every export event --
-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Front Seat
-- ADI correction
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(31)
local lSideslip = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(40)
if lSideslip < 0.0 then
lSideslip = lSideslip - lSideslip - lSideslip -- negate
lSideslip = 0 - lSideslip
lPitch = lPitch * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(31, string.format("%.4f", lPitch))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(40, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip))
-- HSI correction
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (white needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(41)
local lCommandCourse = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(42)
if lHeading < 0.0 then
lHeading = lHeading - lHeading - lHeading -- negate
lHeading = 0 - lHeading -- negate
lCommandCourse = lCommandCourse + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(41, string.format("%.4f", lHeading))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(42, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse))
--[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
--local lPressure = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(56)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lPressure: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lPressure))
--[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
--local lMACH = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lMACH: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lMACH))
-- Back Seat
-- ADI correction
--[368] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[377] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(368)
local lSideslip2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(377)
if lSideslip2 < 0.0 then
lSideslip2 = lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 -- negate
lSideslip2 = 0 - lSideslip2
lPitch2 = lPitch2 * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(368, string.format("%.4f", lPitch2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(377, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip2))
-- HSI correction
--[378] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[379] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (wihte needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(378)
local lCommandCourse2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(379)
if lHeading2 < 0.0 then
lHeading2 = lHeading2 - lHeading2 - lHeading2 -- negate
lHeading2 = 0 - lHeading2 -- negate
lCommandCourse2 = lCommandCourse2 + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(378, string.format("%.4f", lHeading2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(379, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse2))
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
-- done every gExportLowTickInterval export events --
-- Pointed to by ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Cockpit Light
ExportScript.Tools.IkarusCockpitLights(mainPanelDevice, {222, 225, 226, 497})
-- CB Nav. Lights, CB Red Lights, CB White Lights, Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('list cockpit params(): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list cockpit params()))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('CMSP: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list indication(7)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 0, 13, 1 do
ltmp1 = list indication(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 1, 73, 1 do
ltmp1 = GetDevice(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
-- Custom functions --
function ExportScript.genericRadio(key, value, hardware)