F-16 Instrument - flightillusion

Fabrication de cockpit et divers ( palonnier , panels ..) c est ICI
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Légende volante
Légende volante
Messages : 17082
Inscription : 02 novembre 2002

F-16 Instrument - flightillusion


Message par Jallie »

je viens de recevoir une annonce sur ma mail

en réponse à mes question sur les intruments F-16 ...

Dear Sir,

You can already buy our gauges for F16

Please visit this webpage: http://www.flightillusion.com/gallery3.htm

Be advised that at this point, you will only be able to use our gauges with FS or with X-Plane
Best regards
je viens de lui renvoyer une demande , s'ils étaient en cours d'adaptation pour le MILITARY sim flight qu'est FALCON ;)
 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  
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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 22648
Inscription : 27 janvier 2004


Message par Milos »

Ca peut être interessant. S'ils ont le HSI, je pourrais craquer.
Mais, au premier regard, ce ne sont pas des répliques fidèles :crying:
(")_(") "On obtient plus de choses avec un mot gentil et un pistolet qu'avec le mot gentil tout seul" Al Capone.

Mon pit
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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7890
Inscription : 14 avril 2004


Message par GunMan »

Ouais, et c'est quand même hors de prix.
"Man must rise above the Earth [...] for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." Socrate

Jeune Pilote
Jeune Pilote
Messages : 1878
Inscription : 28 juillet 2002


Message par ReactorOne »

Très cher en effet...
Un écran LCD + f4 gauges et tout rentre dans l'ordre pour bien moins cher non? :yes:
Pour preuve, la petite vidéo de Red Dog >> http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=cBF2ToU7vXA


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Pilote d'essais
Pilote d'essais
Messages : 7890
Inscription : 14 avril 2004


Message par GunMan »

Ou un PHCC, la carte fille qui va bien, et des aicores.
"Man must rise above the Earth [...] for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." Socrate
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Topic author
Légende volante
Légende volante
Messages : 17082
Inscription : 02 novembre 2002


Message par Jallie »

j'ai reçu un e réponse sur les instruments ...
comme la programation et moi .... o_O ! ! !

je vous livre tout cru ,

Dear Sir

If you want our gauges to work with another software simulator than FS2004, FSX or X-plane, the only option at this time is to write your own interfaceing software

To do this we have a protocol:

Our instruments can be driven via a standard communication port. The CIM or Multiplexer contains a USB to Serial Port module and will show up in windows as a Virtual Communications Port. A standard driver from Microsoft is available for that. Default we use 38400 bps, 8 data bits, No parity and one Stop bit. But this can be changed via Instrument commands to up to 115.2 Kbits/sec.

Commands sent to the gauges are always 6 bytes long. This 6 byte command frame contains the Gauge address (maximum 255), the instrument command (maximum 16 commands) and the corresponding value that is typical for the Gauge.

As an example in Visual Basic this would mean that you have to assign a Communication port e.g:

MSComm1.CommPort = 4

MSComm1.Settings = "38400,N,8,1"

Serial comms is fine, but the problem always is synchronisation, so detection of the start and end of a message. There are many HW and SW handshaking tricks to handle that, but often either time-consuming or not very reliable (and Windows is sometimes unpredictable as to this).

We resolved that by a "flag" byte, a byte with the value zero (&H00). So all messages start with that flag byte and all gauges will then read the next byte, being the address (we call that the GaugeID, being 1 to 255).

After the GaugeID follows a byte with a 4 bit command and 4 bits that are part of the value that are next to this byte.

Consequently, using the "zero" as a unique flag, the other bytes should never contain zero, and that’s why one of the bits in each following byte of the message is forced to "one". To "repair" the two bytes of the command value the original bits are given in the 4 bits following the command in the command byte. The last byte of the message must be 255 (&HFF). If not the gauges will reject the message. For details see the protocol for the "single needle gauge" below.

Only a few commands will result in a reply message. Also here a fixed length message, being 25 bytes long. We use fixed length to prevent com port interrupts to "crawl up" to application level for every received byte. The 25 is based the longest message we can get back from gauges.

So, to control a gauge, you need to send 3 parameters: the GaugeID, the Command and the Value/Operator. In Visual basic we use the following sub for that:

Private Sub ComposeCmd(GaugeID, icmd, ival)

XferCmd = " "

int1 = GaugeID

Mid$(XferCmd, 2, 1) = Chr$(int1)

long1 = ival

If ival < 0 Then long1 = Abs(ival)

int2 = Int(long1 / 256)

Mid$(XferCmd, 4, 1) = Chr$((long1 And &HFF) Or &H1) Mid$(XferCmd, 5, 1) = Chr$((int2 And &HFF) Or &H2)

int3 = icmd * 16

int3 = int3 Or (long1 And &H1)

int3 = int3 Or (int2 And &H2)

If ival < 0 Then int3 = int3 Or &HC Else int3 = int3 Or &H8 Mid$(XferCmd, 3, 1) = Chr$(int3 And &HFF) Mid$(XferCmd, 6, 1) = Chr$(&HFF) Mid$(XferCmd, 1, 1) = Chr$(&H0) ComBufferXmit = ComBufferXmit & Chr$(&HFF) & XferCmd End Sub

Just as an example of course and retyped, so can contain some syntax errors.

The "single needle" instruments use the following command set:


' Commands from control PC


' Message layout:


' Byte 1: Flag byte:&h00

' Byte 2: Address: 1-255; address zero forbidden!

' Byte 3: Command: Bit 3 always "1": CCCC.1SHL (H&L = databits, S=sign)

' Byte 4: Data Low: &h00-&hFF; bit0 always 1 : XXXX.XXX1 -> XXXX.XXXL

' Byte 5: Data High:&h00-&hFF: bit1 always 1 : XXXX.XX1X -> XXXX.XXHX

' Byte 6: End byte:&hFF


' Commands:

' 0= noop

' 1= Initialize

' 2= Set Instrument Address; Value 1-&hff (not zero!),second byte:&HAA

' 3= Set instrument speed; Value 0-&h7fff

' 4= Set Instrument direction:lowbyte =0=CW,<>0=CCW

' 5= New needle position; Value 0-&h7fff

' 6= New display value: 4 bits per digit 1111222233334444

' 7= Enquiry instrument info; Reply &h00, Address, Type, Model, Direction, "B"(16 bytes)

' 8= Switch lights: Low byte= DL00.0000; D=display on/off, L=light on/off

' 9= Set Instrument Model &Version, Low Byte=Model, High Byte=Version

' 10=Write an EEPROM byte



Command 2: sets a new GaugeID

Command 3: sets the needle speed; Larger number is longer time between steps

Command 5: Positions the needle on 0-939. Please note that larger will run the needle to its end stop.

Command 7: Returns the gauge properties.

Command 8: to switch backlight (and in case present the numeric display)

Other commands are not that important for the single needle and should even be used with care. E.g. some commands are for debug purposes and can -when used wrongly- change the instrument properties and/or the micro program.

The IO module works via the same principle. It can reads 48 input contacts, 6 analogue inputs with 10 bit resolution and drive 32 Leds (15 mA each). All input contacts have pull up resistors.

Command are:

' Message layout:


' Byte 1: Flag byte:&h00

' Byte 2: Address: 1-255; Odd addresses=only (bit 0 always 1)

' Byte 3: Command: Bit 2&3 always "1": CCCC.11HL (H & L are databits)

' Byte 4: Data Low; &h00-&hFF; bit0 always 1 : XXXX.XXX1 -> XXXX.XXXL

' Byte 5: Data Hight:&h00-&hFF: bit1 always 1 : XXXX.XX1X -> XXXX.XXHX

' Byte 6: LPC Check byte


' Commands:

' 0= noop

' 1= Initialize

' 2= Set Instrument Address; Value 0-&hff (odd addr. only),second byte:&HAA

' 3= Set Scan frequency (Instr Speed)

' 4= Set Output drivers 1 (&h0000 - &hFFFF) = 16 bits

' 5= Set Output drivers 2 (&h0000 - &hFFFF) = 16 bits

' 6= Send Inputs: &h00, Address, Sw1-Sw6, <16 bytes analogue>, &HFF

' 7= Send info about instrument; Reply &h00, Address, Type,"B"(25 bytes)

' 8= Set LED intensity: byte 4 (&h00-&HFF)

' 9= Set Instrument Model &Version, Low Byte=Model, High Byte=Version


Command 4 and 5 control the LEDS.

Command 6 returns the state of input contacts (6 bytes) and 16 bytes (8 integers) with the analogue inputs. Currently 6 used, but will be extended in newer versions.

Card layout is given below:

Hope this helps a bit
 VR et PIMAX  Crystal  
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Pilote Philanthrope
Pilote Philanthrope
Messages : 10823
Inscription : 30 juin 2008


Message par Cat »

pffff, facile : the toes in the nose...:Jumpy::Jumpy::Jumpy:

Core i5-4690K @ 3.5 GHz - 8Go RAM - Carte graphique GTX 970 - (Cougar + FSSB) - TPR - W10 64bits sur SSD - EdTracker - Un pit

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