L39-C + Ikarus
L39-C + Ikarus
#1Bonjour a tous !
J'ai la version L 39-C de DCS, et je voudrais faire un Simpitt..... De L-39C.
J'ai déjà fait le siège K36 et je m'attaque à la structure.......!
Je voudrais faire fonctionner Hélios avec le L 39-C de DCS.....! sur un second écran pour la planche de bord central.....! ( Pour l’instant, on vol avec un mod issu du SU-27, donc LOVP me suffit ! Mais il faut penser a la suite...! )
Les instruments sont fait, du moins les "images". ( Fait par Madame,avec Adobe Illustrator )
Maintenant il suffit "juste" de faire marcher tout ça...!
Les instruments sont tous séparer en plusieurs fichiers.....( il y a des instruments qui demande 3 ou 4 couches).
J'aurais voulut que quelqu'un m'aide à dépatouiller tout ça...!
Pour les personnes motivées par ce projet, je tient à disposition quelques docs pour Hélios......! Ainsi que le Logiciel Gauge Composer, si nécessaire...!
Merci d'avance....!
J'ai la version L 39-C de DCS, et je voudrais faire un Simpitt..... De L-39C.
J'ai déjà fait le siège K36 et je m'attaque à la structure.......!
Je voudrais faire fonctionner Hélios avec le L 39-C de DCS.....! sur un second écran pour la planche de bord central.....! ( Pour l’instant, on vol avec un mod issu du SU-27, donc LOVP me suffit ! Mais il faut penser a la suite...! )
Les instruments sont fait, du moins les "images". ( Fait par Madame,avec Adobe Illustrator )
Maintenant il suffit "juste" de faire marcher tout ça...!
Les instruments sont tous séparer en plusieurs fichiers.....( il y a des instruments qui demande 3 ou 4 couches).
J'aurais voulut que quelqu'un m'aide à dépatouiller tout ça...!
Pour les personnes motivées par ce projet, je tient à disposition quelques docs pour Hélios......! Ainsi que le Logiciel Gauge Composer, si nécessaire...!
Merci d'avance....!
Dernière modification par breizatac le sam. oct. 22, 2016 2:50 pm, modifié 2 fois.
Re: L39-C + helios
#2Apres divers recherches et après avoir télécharger Hélios en Open source et un Export pour la version World 1.5 et 2.0, je m’aperçois que les gauges doivent être en XAML.......!
Ma question : Il y a t'il quelqu'un qui sache comment codé mes gauges en XAML . J'ai essayer avec GaugeComposer, mais ça marche pas.....! ( enfin je capte pas grand chose..... j'ai des tutos mais ça marche pas!!!)
Merci d'avance
Ma question : Il y a t'il quelqu'un qui sache comment codé mes gauges en XAML . J'ai essayer avec GaugeComposer, mais ça marche pas.....! ( enfin je capte pas grand chose..... j'ai des tutos mais ça marche pas!!!)
Merci d'avance
Re: L39-C + helios
#3Je ne sais absolument pas comment faire mais le sujet m’intéresse grandement!!!!
N'hésite pas a partager tes trouvailles sur le sujet...
N'hésite pas a partager tes trouvailles sur le sujet...
Re: L39-C + helios
#4Je ferais... mais cette partie du forum n'est pas très active....( quand on sort du F-16 et du A-10) donc les renseignements sont très dur à trouver
Donc pour l'instant je me concentre sur les plans et la menuiserie
Donc pour l'instant je me concentre sur les plans et la menuiserie
- WSO Co-pilote
- Messages : 968
- Inscription : 03 août 2014
Re: L39-C + helios
#5BEau boulot!
N'hésite pas à nous montrer ton siège! Je suis curieux je ne connais pas le L-39.
N'hésite pas à nous montrer ton siège! Je suis curieux je ne connais pas le L-39.
Re: L39-C + helios
#6oui je mettrais mon siège en photo.... mais il est très simple......!
sinon c'est le même model que le SU-27
sinon c'est le même model que le SU-27
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#7Donc je pense avoir une réponse a ta question. J'ai eu le meme probleme. Et j'ai trouver la solution. Essaye de me contacter et je te montrerai les photos de ma cabine et je te montrerai comment faire si tu veux
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
Re: L39-C + helios
#9Bonjour Breizatac
Ils sont superbes tes instruments!!!! féliciation à Madame
Idem que Wralex pour le siège
Bonne continuation
Ils sont superbes tes instruments!!!! féliciation à Madame
Idem que Wralex pour le siège
Bonne continuation
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#10bien sure sans aucun problemematbog a écrit :Serait il possible de partager ici également?
j'ai trouver la solution a tout les instruments du l39-c et za sauf pour l'altimetre je galère un petit peut. j'aimerai bien qu'une autre personne essaye chez elle et qu'elle partage ces résultats avec moi
- Pièces jointes
- image cabine 2
- 20161015_IMG_3174.JPG (20.83 Kio) Consulté 6527 fois
- image cabine
- 20161007_IMG_3136.JPG (30.12 Kio) Consulté 6527 fois
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
Re: L39-C + helios
#11Ce serait cool de partager la solutionmatbog a écrit :Serait il possible de partager ici également?
Re: L39-C + helios
#12Oui c'est ce que je voulais direMorpheus a écrit :Ce serait cool de partager la solution
Elle est magnifique ta planche de bord adlane !!!
On dirait que l'avion a été conçus avec l'idée de facilité la vie du piteur
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#13Donc voila le programme s'appel Ikarus
voici le lien pour le telecharger: https://github.com/H-J-P/Ikarus
après le télécgargement telecharger aussi dcs export voici le lien https://github.com/s-d-a/DCS-ExportScripts et vous le mettez dans le dossier saved games/dcs open beta/scripts
(le repertoire en entier)
puis vous ouvrez le dossier export.lua qui se trouve dans scripts vous le videz et vous metez ceci a la place
-- load the DCS ExportScript for DAC and Ikarus
-- L-39C
-- Version 1.0.0
ExportScript.FoundDCSModule = true
ExportScript.ConfigEveryFrameArguments =
-- Front Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[67] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime hours
[68] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime minutes
[70] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[73] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight time meter status
[71] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight hours
[72] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight minutes
[69] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[58] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[59] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[63] = "%.f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[62] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[74] = "%.4f", -- Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[76] = "%.4f", -- Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[75] = "%.4f", -- Variometer turn {-1.0, -0.58, -0.275, 0.275, 0.58, 1.0} {-math.rad(5.7), math.rad(-3.8), math.rad(-1.9), math.rad(1.9), math.rad(3.8), math.rad(5.7)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[38] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[35] = "%.4f", -- KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[34] = "%.4f", -- KPP Alt Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[36] = "%.4f", -- KPP Glide Beacon
[37] = "%.4f", -- KPP Localizer Beacon
[29] = "%.4f", -- KPP Arretir
[32] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[33] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
-- NPP (HSI)
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (yellow needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[43] = "%.4f", -- HSI bearing needle {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[47] = "%.4f", -- HSI Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[45] = "%.4f", -- HSI Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[46] = "%.4f", -- HSI Glide Beacon
[44] = "%.4f", -- HSI Localizer Beacon
[189] = "%.4f", -- RSBN NAV Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[190] = "%.4f", -- RSBN LAND Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[66] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 100
[65] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 10
[64] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 1
[580] = "%.4f", -- RSBN PanelLightsLmp
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20
[52] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[53] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[54] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[55] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[637] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[632] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[631] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[630] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[636] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[635] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[634] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[633] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[49] = "%.4f", -- IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[50] = "%.4f", -- TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
-- RKL-41
[77] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[156] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 Signal
[531] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 heading {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[530] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 variation {-1.0, 1.0}{-math.pi, math.pi}
-- electric interface
[92] = "%.4f", -- Voltmeter {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 40.0}
[93] = "%.4f", -- Ampermeter {0.0, 1.0}{-100.0, 300.0}
-- oxygen interface
[301] = "%.4f", -- OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[302] = "%.4f", -- FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[86] = "%.4f", -- Acceleration {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[88] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMin {0.31, 0.695}{-5.0, 1.0}
[87] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMax {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[95] = "%.4f", -- CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[96] = "%.4f", -- PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Hydro Pressure
[198] = "%.4f", -- MainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[200] = "%.4f", -- AuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[98] = "%.4f", -- BrakeLMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[99] = "%.4f", -- BrakeRMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[100] = "%.4f", -- BrakeAuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
-- Fuel Quantity
[91] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[85] = "%.4f", -- Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[84] = "%.4f", -- Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[83] = "%.4f", -- Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[82] = "%.4f", -- Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[81] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- Engine Temp
[90] = "%.4f", -- Engine Temp {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 900.0}
-- EngineVibration
[94] = "%.4f", -- EngineVibration {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0}
-- PitchTrimInd
[247] = "%.4f", -- PitchTrimInd {1.0, -1.0}{-1.0, 1.0}
-- lights system
--[533] = "%.4f", -- CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
--[558] = "%.4f", -- CompassLightIntensity
--[555] = "%.4f", -- EmergencyLightIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[561] = "%.f", -- FarNDBSelectorLamp
[570] = "%.f", -- NearNDBSelectorLamp
[563] = "%.f", -- PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[127] = "%.4f", -- BrakeHandle
-- Lamps
[18] = "%.f", -- MRP 56
[6] = "%.f", -- MainGenerator
[9] = "%.f", -- ReserveGennerator
[12] = "%.f", -- Inverter115
[16] = "%.f", -- Inverter363
[316] = "%.f", -- GroundPower
[278] = "%.f", -- FlapsUp
[279] = "%.f", -- FlapsTO
[280] = "%.f", -- FlapsDn
[117] = "%.f", -- AirBrakes
[113] = "%.f", -- GearDown front
[112] = "%.f", -- GearDown left
[114] = "%.f", -- GearDown right
[110] = "%.f", -- GearUp front
[109] = "%.f", -- GearUp left
[111] = "%.f", -- GearUp right
[115] = "%.f", -- ExtendGears
[116] = "%.f", -- DoorsOut
[185] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correction
[186] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correction
[15] = "%.f", -- BreakdownFinished
[123] = "%.f", -- GA TILT
[206] = "%.f", -- GA TILT PU26
[2] = "%.f", -- DangerAltitude
[27] = "%.f", -- EmergFuel
[23] = "%.f", -- TurboStarter
[4] = "%.f", -- Remain150
[7] = "%.f", -- DoNotStart
[26] = "%.f", -- FuelFilter
[14] = "%.f", -- WingTanks
[246] = "%.f", -- TrimmerRollNeutral
[3] = "%.f", -- MachMeterLamp
[10] = "%.f", -- CanopyNotClosed
[556] = "%.f", -- LeftPitot
[557] = "%.f", -- RightPitot
[8] = "%.f", -- Vibration
[1] = "%.f", -- Fire
[28] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature700
[24] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature730
[20] = "%.f", -- EngineMinOilPressure
[359] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correct
[362] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correct
[19] = "%.f", -- HSI Accordance
[11] = "%.f", -- CockpitPressure
[22] = "%.f", -- ConditioningClosed
[25] = "%.f", -- Defrost
[21] = "%.f", -- Ice
[182] = "%.f", -- RIO HeatingOk
[5] = "%.f", -- HydraulicPressureDrop
[253] = "%.f", -- MasterDanger
[17] = "%.f", -- EmergConditioning
[562] = "%.f", -- RadioUnderControl
-- Back Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[405] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime hours
[406] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime minutes
[408] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[411] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight time meter status
[409] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight hours
[410] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight minutes
[407] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[396] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[397] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[401] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[400] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[416] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[418] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[417] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer turn {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.rad(6.0), math.rad(6.0)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[375] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
[368] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
[377] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[372] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[373] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Glide Beacon
[374] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Localizer Beacon
[366] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Arretir
[369] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[370] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
[378] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 heading {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[379] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 commanded course needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[380] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 bearing needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[384] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[382] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[383] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Glide Beacon
[381] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Localizer Beacon
[404] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 100
[403] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 10
[402] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 1
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20 instructor
[389] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[390] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[391] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[392] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[393] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[737] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[732] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[731] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[730] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[736] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[735] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[734] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[733] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[386] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[387] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[388] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - MACH 2
-- RKL-41
[420] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[513] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 Signal
-- oxygen interface
[477] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[478] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[550] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[551] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Fuel Quantity
[427] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[425] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[424] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[423] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[422] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[421] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- lights system
--[559] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[564] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FarNDBSelectorLamp CP
[571] = "%.f", -- Backseat - NearNDBSelectorLamp CP
[566] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RKL PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[542] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - BrakeHandle CP
-- Lamps
[358] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MRP 56 Instructor
[347] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MainGen Instructor
[350] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ReserveGen Instructor
[353] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter115 Instructor
[357] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter363 Instructor
[462] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsUp
[463] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsTO
[464] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsDn
[436] = "%.f", -- Backseat - AirBrakes
[432] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown front
[431] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown left
[433] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown right
[429] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp front
[428] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp left
[430] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp right
[434] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ExtendGears
[435] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoorsOu
[356] = "%.f", -- Backseat - BreakdownFinished
[443] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GA TILT
[343] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DangerAltitudeInstructor
[365] = "%.f", -- Backseat - EmergFuel
[345] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Remain150
[348] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoNotStart
[364] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FuelFilter
[355] = "%.f", -- Backseat - WingTanks
[441] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerRollNeutral
[442] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerPitchNeutral
[344] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MachMeterLamp
[351] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CanopyNotClosed
[349] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Vibration
[342] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Fire
[352] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CockpitPressure
[361] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ConditioningClosed
[363] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Defrost
[360] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Ice
[346] = "%.f", -- Backseat - HydraulicPressureDrop
[455] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MasterDanger
[565] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RadioUnderControl
ExportScript.ConfigArguments =
arguments for export in low tick interval
based on "clickabledata.lua"
-- Front Seat
-- ASP-3NMU Gunsight
[101] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mode, GYRO/FIXED
[102] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Brightness Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
[103] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Wingspan Adjustment Dial (meters) (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[104] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Color Filter, ON/OFF
[105] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Fixed Reticle Mask Lever
[106] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mirror Depression (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[107] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Distance (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[335] = "%1d", -- Mech clock left lever Button
[336] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[337] = "%1d", -- Mech clock right lever Button
[338] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[57] = "%.f2", -- Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[60] = "%1d", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[61] = "%.2f", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
[204] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Hemisphere Selection Switch, N(orth)/S(outh)
[207] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Mode Switch, MC(Magnetic Compass Mode)/GC(Directional Gyro Mode)
[205] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Test Switch, 0(degrees)/OFF/300(degrees) - Use to check heading indication accuracy {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[208] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Course Selector Switch, CCW/OFF/CW {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[209] = "%.2f", -- GMK-1AE GMC Latitude Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
-- Gyro
[124] = "%1d", -- MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- Magnetic Variation
[532] = "%.2f", -- Magnetic Declination set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[30] = "%1d", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[39] = "%.2f", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[177] = "%1d", -- SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[460] = "%1d", -- AGD Pitch Failure
[461] = "%1d", -- AGD Bank Failure
-- NPP (HSI)
[48] = "%.2f", -- HSI Course set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
[526] = "%1d", -- Course Accordance
[458] = "%1d", -- GMK Failure
[178] = "%.1f", -- RSBN Mode Switch, LANDING/NAVIGATION/GLIDE PATH {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[179] = "%1d", -- RSBN Identification Button
[180] = "%1d", -- RSBN Test Button - Push to test
[181] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Control Box Lighting Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[184] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[187] = "%1d", -- Initial Azimuth {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[188] = "%1d", -- Initial Range {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[191] = "%.3f", -- RSBN Navigation Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[192] = "%1d", -- RSBN Landing Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[193] = "%1d", -- Set 0 Azimuth
[201] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Field Elevation Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
[297] = "%1d", -- RSBN Listen Callsign Button - Push to listen
[527] = "%1d", -- RSBN Emergency Landing Switch, ON/OFF
-- Variometer
[569] = "%.1f", -- Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[119] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[157] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[161] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[159] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[160] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[162] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[158] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[165] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[163] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[164] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[168] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[166] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[167] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[459] = "%1d", -- ARK Failure
-- electric system
[141] = "%1d", -- Battery Switch, ON/OFF
[142] = "%1d", -- Main Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[143] = "%1d", -- Emergency Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[502] = "%1d", -- Net Switch, ON/OFF
[169] = "%1d", -- Emergency Engine Instruments Power Switch, ON/OFF
[315] = "%1d", -- Turbo Button
[313] = "%1d", -- Stop Turbo Switch, ON/OFF
[326] = "%1d", -- Engine Button
[320] = "%1d", -- Emergency Fuel Switch
[322] = "%.1f", -- Engine Start Mode Switch, START/FALSE START/COLD CRANKING {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[144] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Switch, ON/OFF
[145] = "%1d", -- CB AGD-GMK Switch, ON/OFF
[146] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 1 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[147] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 2 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[148] = "%1d", -- CB RDO (ICS and Radio) Switch, ON/OFF
[149] = "%1d", -- CB MRP-RV (Marker Beacon Receiver and Radio Altimeter) Switch, ON/OFF
[150] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Switch, ON/OFF
[151] = "%1d", -- CB IFF (SRO) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[152] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[153] = "%1d", -- CB Wing Tanks Switch, ON/OFF
[154] = "%1d", -- CB RIO-3 De-Icing Signal Switch, ON/OFF
[155] = "%1d", -- CB SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[505] = "%1d", -- CB Weapon Switch, ON/OFF
[211] = "%1d", -- CB Air Conditioning, ON/OFF
[212] = "%1d", -- CB Anti-Ice, ON/OFF
[213] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Left, ON/OFF
[214] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Right, ON/OFF
[215] = "%1d", -- CB PT-500C, ON/OFF
[216] = "%1d", -- CB ARC, ON/OFF
[217] = "%1d", -- CB SRO, ON/OFF
[218] = "%1d", -- CB Seat-Helmet, ON/OFF
[219] = "%1d", -- CB Gears, ON/OFF
[220] = "%1d", -- CB Control, ON/OFF
[221] = "%1d", -- CB Signaling, ON/OFF
[222] = "%1d", -- CB Nav. Lights, ON/OFF
[223] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Left, ON/OFF
[224] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Right, ON/OFF
[225] = "%1d", -- CB Red Lights, ON/OFF
[226] = "%1d", -- CB White Lights, ON/OFF
[227] = "%1d", -- CB Start Panel, ON/OFF
[228] = "%1d", -- CB Booster Pump, ON/OFF
[229] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 1, ON/OFF
[230] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 2, ON/OFF
[231] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Instruments, ON/OFF
[232] = "%1d", -- CB Fire, ON/OFF
[233] = "%1d", -- CB Emergency Jettison, ON/OFF
[234] = "%1d", -- CB SARPP, ON/OFF
[503] = "%1d", -- CB Seat, ON/OFF
[504] = "%1d", -- CB Signal, ON/OFF
[512] = "%1d", -- CB Ground Intercom, ON/OFF
[294] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[295] = "%1d", -- Main (Right) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[292] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
[293] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
-- lights system
[176] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Mode Control Switch, FLICKER/OFF/FIXED {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[175] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Intensity Control Switch, DIM(30%)/BRT(60%)/MAX(100%) {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[311] = "%1d", -- Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[330] = "%1d", -- Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[331] = "%.1f", -- Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[249] = "%1d", -- Emergency Instrument Light Switch, ON/OFF
[202] = "%.1f", -- Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[203] = "%1d", -- Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- Weapon System
[254] = "%1d", -- CB Armament System Power Switch, ON/OFF
[255] = "%1d", -- CB UB-16 Rocket Firing Control Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[256] = "%1d", -- CB ASP-FKP (Gunsight and Gun Camera) Power Switch, ON/OFF
[257] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Heating Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[258] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Glowing Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[259] = "%.1f", -- Missile Seeker Tone Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[268] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BLANK
[271] = "%.1f", -- Rockets Firing Mode Selector Switch, AUT./2RS/4RS {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[509] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BOMBS/BLANK {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[507] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Switch, ON/OFF
[273] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Signal Flare Dispenser Power Switch, ON/OFF
[274] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Yellow Signal Flare Launch Button
[275] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Green Signal Flare Launch Button
[276] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Red Signal Flare Launch Button
[277] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 White Signal Flare Launch Button
[260] = "%1d", -- Missile/Bomb Release Selector Switch, PORT(Left)/STARB-BOTH(Right for Missiles/Both)
[270] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Outboard Stations Switch, ON/OFF
-- oxygen system
[303] = "%1d", -- Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[304] = "%1d", -- Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[307] = "%1d", -- Helmet Ventilation Switch, ON/OFF
[306] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[484] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Interconnaction Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- sarpp
[298] = "%1d", -- SARPP Flight Recorder, ON/OFF
-- fuel system
[296] = "%1d", -- Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[172] = "%.2f", -- Cabin Air Conditioning Control Switch, OFF/HEAT/COOL/AUTOMATIC {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[173] = "%.1f", -- Cabin Air Temperature Controller Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[121] = "%.2f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Air Conditioning Control Switch, HEAT/AUTO/COOL {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[120] = "%.1f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[511] = "%1d", -- Conditioning Shutoff Switch, OPEN/FRONT PILOT CONTROL/CLOSE {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
-- anti-icing system
[174] = "%1d", -- De-Icing Mode Switch, MANUAL/AUTOMATIC/OFF {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[183] = "%1d", -- RIO-3 De-Icing Sensor Heating Circuit Check Button - Push to test
-- helmet heating
[309] = "%1d", -- Helmet Visor Quick Heating Button - Push to heat
[308] = "%1d", -- Helmet Heating Mode Switch, AUTO/OFF/ON {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[310] = "%.1f", -- Helmet Heating Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[209] = "%1d", -- Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[291] = "%1d", -- ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[288] = "%1d", -- Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[289] = "%1d", -- Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[134] = "%1d", -- Radio Button
[133] = "%1d", -- Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[287] = "%1d", -- Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[286] = "%1d", -- Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[284] = "%1d", -- R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- engine systems
[329] = "%1d", -- IV-300 Engine Vibration Test Button - Push to test
[328] = "%1d", -- Fire Extinguish Button - Push to extinguish
[272] = "%1d", -- Fire Warning Signal Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[324] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Manual Disable Switch, RT-12 DISABLED/RT-12 ENABLED
[243] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Power Switch, ON/OFF
[242] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[499] = "%1d", -- EGT Indicator Switch, FRONT/REAR
-- control system
[281] = "%1d", -- Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[282] = "%1d", -- Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[283] = "%1d", -- Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[549] = "%1d", -- Throttle Limiter
[135] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch {0.0,1.0}
[136] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch (2nd position) {0.0,1.0}
[118] = "%1d", -- Landing Gear Control Lever {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[334] = "%.1f", -- Emergency/Parking Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[334] = "%1d", -- Parking Brake Lever Flag - Push to remove parking brake
[197] = "%1d", -- Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[194] = "%1d", -- Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[195] = "%1d", -- Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[196] = "%1d", -- RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[456] = "%1d", -- Full Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
[457] = "%1d", -- Static Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
-- accelerometer
[89] = "%1d", -- Reset Limits
-- canopy
[998] = "%1d", -- Canopy Handle
[285] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Lock Handle
[244] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- Pitot Selector
[333] = "%1d", -- Pitot Tube Selector Lever, STBY(Left)/MAIN(Right)
-- Back Seat
[412] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever Button
[413] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[414] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever Button
[415] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[394] = "%.f2", -- Backseat - Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[398] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[399] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
-- Gyro
[444] = "%1d", -- Backseat - MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[367] = "%1d", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[376] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob (Axis) {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- NPP (HSI)
[385] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - HSI Course set knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
-- Variometer
[419] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[440] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[514] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[518] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[516] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[517] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[519] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT
[515] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[522] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[520] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[521] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[525] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[523] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[524] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
-- electric system
[488] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Turbo Button
[494] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Engine Button
[490] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Stop Engine Switch
[492] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Fuel Switch
-- lights system
[486] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[497] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[498] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[537] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[538] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- oxygen system
[479] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[480] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[482] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- fuel system
[475] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[473] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[474] = "%1d", -- Backseat - ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[471] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[472] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[547] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Button
[546] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[470] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[469] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[468] = "%1d", -- Backseat - R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- control system
[465] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[466] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[467] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[548] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Air Brake Switch {-1.0, 0.0, 1.0}
[437] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Landing Gear Control Lever {0.0,0.5,1.0} ??? eigentlich 4 Positionen
[501] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Emergency Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[536] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[533] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[534] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[535] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
-- canopy
[999] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Handle
[485] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Lock Handle
[539] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- done every export event --
-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Front Seat
-- ADI correction
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(31)
local lSideslip = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(40)
if lSideslip < 0.0 then
lSideslip = lSideslip - lSideslip - lSideslip -- negate
lSideslip = 0 - lSideslip
lPitch = lPitch * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(31, string.format("%.4f", lPitch))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(40, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip))
-- HSI correction
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (white needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(41)
local lCommandCourse = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(42)
if lHeading < 0.0 then
lHeading = lHeading - lHeading - lHeading -- negate
lHeading = 0 - lHeading -- negate
lCommandCourse = lCommandCourse + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(41, string.format("%.4f", lHeading))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(42, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse))
--[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
--local lPressure = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(56)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lPressure: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lPressure))
--[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
--local lMACH = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lMACH: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lMACH))
-- Back Seat
-- ADI correction
--[368] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[377] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(368)
local lSideslip2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(377)
if lSideslip2 < 0.0 then
lSideslip2 = lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 -- negate
lSideslip2 = 0 - lSideslip2
lPitch2 = lPitch2 * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(368, string.format("%.4f", lPitch2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(377, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip2))
-- HSI correction
--[378] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[379] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (wihte needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(378)
local lCommandCourse2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(379)
if lHeading2 < 0.0 then
lHeading2 = lHeading2 - lHeading2 - lHeading2 -- negate
lHeading2 = 0 - lHeading2 -- negate
lCommandCourse2 = lCommandCourse2 + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(378, string.format("%.4f", lHeading2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(379, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse2))
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
-- done every gExportLowTickInterval export events --
-- Pointed to by ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Cockpit Light
ExportScript.Tools.IkarusCockpitLights(mainPanelDevice, {222, 225, 226, 497})
-- CB Nav. Lights, CB Red Lights, CB White Lights, Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('list cockpit params(): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list cockpit params()))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('CMSP: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list indication(7)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 0, 13, 1 do
ltmp1 = list indication(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 1, 73, 1 do
ltmp1 = GetDevice(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
-- Custom functions --
function ExportScript.genericRadio(key, value, hardware)
voici le lien pour le telecharger: https://github.com/H-J-P/Ikarus
après le télécgargement telecharger aussi dcs export voici le lien https://github.com/s-d-a/DCS-ExportScripts et vous le mettez dans le dossier saved games/dcs open beta/scripts
(le repertoire en entier)
puis vous ouvrez le dossier export.lua qui se trouve dans scripts vous le videz et vous metez ceci a la place
-- load the DCS ExportScript for DAC and Ikarus
-- L-39C
-- Version 1.0.0
ExportScript.FoundDCSModule = true
ExportScript.ConfigEveryFrameArguments =
-- Front Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[67] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime hours
[68] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK currtime minutes
[70] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[73] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight time meter status
[71] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight hours
[72] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK flight minutes
[69] = "%.4f", -- CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[58] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[59] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[63] = "%.f", -- RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[62] = "%.4f", -- RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[74] = "%.4f", -- Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[76] = "%.4f", -- Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[75] = "%.4f", -- Variometer turn {-1.0, -0.58, -0.275, 0.275, 0.58, 1.0} {-math.rad(5.7), math.rad(-3.8), math.rad(-1.9), math.rad(1.9), math.rad(3.8), math.rad(5.7)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[38] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[35] = "%.4f", -- KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[34] = "%.4f", -- KPP Alt Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[36] = "%.4f", -- KPP Glide Beacon
[37] = "%.4f", -- KPP Localizer Beacon
[29] = "%.4f", -- KPP Arretir
[32] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[33] = "%.4f", -- KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
-- NPP (HSI)
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (yellow needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[43] = "%.4f", -- HSI bearing needle {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[47] = "%.4f", -- HSI Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[45] = "%.4f", -- HSI Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[46] = "%.4f", -- HSI Glide Beacon
[44] = "%.4f", -- HSI Localizer Beacon
[189] = "%.4f", -- RSBN NAV Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[190] = "%.4f", -- RSBN LAND Chan {0.0, 0.39} {1.0, 40.0}
[66] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 100
[65] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 10
[64] = "%.4f", -- RSBN Range 1
[580] = "%.4f", -- RSBN PanelLightsLmp
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20
[52] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[53] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[54] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[55] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[637] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[632] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[631] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[630] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[636] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[635] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[634] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[633] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[49] = "%.4f", -- IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[50] = "%.4f", -- TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
-- RKL-41
[77] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[156] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 Signal
[531] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 heading {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[530] = "%.4f", -- KM-8 variation {-1.0, 1.0}{-math.pi, math.pi}
-- electric interface
[92] = "%.4f", -- Voltmeter {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 40.0}
[93] = "%.4f", -- Ampermeter {0.0, 1.0}{-100.0, 300.0}
-- oxygen interface
[301] = "%.4f", -- OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[302] = "%.4f", -- FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[86] = "%.4f", -- Acceleration {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[88] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMin {0.31, 0.695}{-5.0, 1.0}
[87] = "%.4f", -- AccelerationMax {0.0, 1.0}{-5.0, 10.0}
[95] = "%.4f", -- CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[96] = "%.4f", -- PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Hydro Pressure
[198] = "%.4f", -- MainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[200] = "%.4f", -- AuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 200.0}
[98] = "%.4f", -- BrakeLMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[99] = "%.4f", -- BrakeRMainHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
[100] = "%.4f", -- BrakeAuxHydro PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 60.0}
-- Fuel Quantity
[91] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[85] = "%.4f", -- Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[84] = "%.4f", -- Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[83] = "%.4f", -- Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[82] = "%.4f", -- Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[81] = "%.4f", -- Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- Engine Temp
[90] = "%.4f", -- Engine Temp {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 900.0}
-- EngineVibration
[94] = "%.4f", -- EngineVibration {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0}
-- PitchTrimInd
[247] = "%.4f", -- PitchTrimInd {1.0, -1.0}{-1.0, 1.0}
-- lights system
--[533] = "%.4f", -- CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
--[558] = "%.4f", -- CompassLightIntensity
--[555] = "%.4f", -- EmergencyLightIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[561] = "%.f", -- FarNDBSelectorLamp
[570] = "%.f", -- NearNDBSelectorLamp
[563] = "%.f", -- PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[127] = "%.4f", -- BrakeHandle
-- Lamps
[18] = "%.f", -- MRP 56
[6] = "%.f", -- MainGenerator
[9] = "%.f", -- ReserveGennerator
[12] = "%.f", -- Inverter115
[16] = "%.f", -- Inverter363
[316] = "%.f", -- GroundPower
[278] = "%.f", -- FlapsUp
[279] = "%.f", -- FlapsTO
[280] = "%.f", -- FlapsDn
[117] = "%.f", -- AirBrakes
[113] = "%.f", -- GearDown front
[112] = "%.f", -- GearDown left
[114] = "%.f", -- GearDown right
[110] = "%.f", -- GearUp front
[109] = "%.f", -- GearUp left
[111] = "%.f", -- GearUp right
[115] = "%.f", -- ExtendGears
[116] = "%.f", -- DoorsOut
[185] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correction
[186] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correction
[15] = "%.f", -- BreakdownFinished
[123] = "%.f", -- GA TILT
[206] = "%.f", -- GA TILT PU26
[2] = "%.f", -- DangerAltitude
[27] = "%.f", -- EmergFuel
[23] = "%.f", -- TurboStarter
[4] = "%.f", -- Remain150
[7] = "%.f", -- DoNotStart
[26] = "%.f", -- FuelFilter
[14] = "%.f", -- WingTanks
[246] = "%.f", -- TrimmerRollNeutral
[3] = "%.f", -- MachMeterLamp
[10] = "%.f", -- CanopyNotClosed
[556] = "%.f", -- LeftPitot
[557] = "%.f", -- RightPitot
[8] = "%.f", -- Vibration
[1] = "%.f", -- Fire
[28] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature700
[24] = "%.f", -- EngineTemperature730
[20] = "%.f", -- EngineMinOilPressure
[359] = "%.f", -- RSBN Azim Correct
[362] = "%.f", -- RSBN Range Correct
[19] = "%.f", -- HSI Accordance
[11] = "%.f", -- CockpitPressure
[22] = "%.f", -- ConditioningClosed
[25] = "%.f", -- Defrost
[21] = "%.f", -- Ice
[182] = "%.f", -- RIO HeatingOk
[5] = "%.f", -- HydraulicPressureDrop
[253] = "%.f", -- MasterDanger
[17] = "%.f", -- EmergConditioning
[562] = "%.f", -- RadioUnderControl
-- Back Seat
-- Mechanic clock
[405] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime hours
[406] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK currtime minutes
[408] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time seconds
[411] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight time meter status
[409] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight hours
[410] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK flight minutes
[407] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CLOCK seconds meter time minutes
-- Radar altimeter RV-5
[396] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 RALT {0.0, 0.086, 0.439, 0.878, 0.955}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0, 800.0}
[397] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT index {0.0, 0.094, 0.48, 0.998}{0.0, 20.0, 100.0, 700.0}
[401] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RV-5 DangerRALT lamp
[400] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RV-5 warning flag
-- Variometer
[416] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer {-1.0, -0.875, -0.775, -0.44, 0.0, 0.44, 0.775, 0.875, 1.0}{-80.0, -50.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 80.0}
[418] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[417] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Variometer turn {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.rad(6.0), math.rad(6.0)}
-- KPP (ADI)
[375] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K roll {-1.0, 1.0} {-math.pi, math.pi}
[368] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
[377] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
[372] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Course Deviation Bar {-1.0, 1.0}
[373] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Glide Beacon
[374] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Localizer Beacon
[366] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP Arretir
[369] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Roll {-1.0, 1.0}
[370] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - KPP SDU Pitch {-1.0, 1.0}
[378] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 heading {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[379] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 commanded course needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[380] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 bearing needle {1.0, 0.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[384] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Course Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[382] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Alt Deviation Bar {-0.8, 0.8}{-1.0, 1.0}
[383] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Glide Beacon
[381] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - HSI2 Localizer Beacon
[404] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 100
[403] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 10
[402] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RSBN Range 1
-- Barometric altimeter VD-20 instructor
[389] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[390] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[391] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 km Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20.0}
[392] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 m Ind {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[393] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
-- Barometric altimeter
-- Altimeter Feet , copy of A-10 altimeter
[737] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footPtr {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 1000.0}
[732] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_10000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[731] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_1000_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[730] = "%.4f", -- Altimeter_100_footCount {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[736] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_0 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[735] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_1 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[734] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_2 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[733] = "%.4f", -- pressure_setting_3 {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0}
[386] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - IAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[387] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - TAS {0.0, 0.08, 0.186, 0.296, 0.436, 0.55, 0.635, 0.705, 0.765, 0.824, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 1200.0}
[388] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - MACH 2
-- RKL-41
[420] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 needle {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
[513] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 Signal
-- oxygen interface
[477] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - OxygenPressure {0.0, 0.025, 0.925, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 150.0, 160.0}
[478] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - FlowBlinker
-- accelerometer
[550] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CockpitAlt {0.0, 1.0}{0.0, 20000.0}
[551] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - PressDiff {0.0, 0.102, 0.202, 0.398, 0.779, 1.0}{-0.04, -0.02, 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.6}
-- Fuel Quantity
[427] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Quantity {0.0, 0.127, 0.239, 0.35, 0.458, 0.56, 0.685, 0.82, 1.0}{0.0, 100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 825.0}
-- Fan RPM
[425] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fan RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Compressor RPM
[424] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Compressor RPM {0.0, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.372, 0.468, 0.555, 0.645, 0.733, 0.822, 0.909, 1.0}{0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0}
-- Oil
[423] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Temp {0.0, 0.323, 0.576, 0.817, 1.0}{-50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0}
[422] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oil Press {0.0, 0.077, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 6.0}
-- Fuel Press
[421] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Fuel Press {0.0, 0.06, 0.148, 0.323, 0.547, 0.659, 0.801, 1.0}{-1.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 100.0}
-- lights system
--[559] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - CptInstrumentLightsIntensity
-- RKL-41 Radio Compass
[564] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FarNDBSelectorLamp CP
[571] = "%.f", -- Backseat - NearNDBSelectorLamp CP
[566] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RKL PanelLights
-- BrakeHandle
[542] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - BrakeHandle CP
-- Lamps
[358] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MRP 56 Instructor
[347] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MainGen Instructor
[350] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ReserveGen Instructor
[353] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter115 Instructor
[357] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Inverter363 Instructor
[462] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsUp
[463] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsTO
[464] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FlapsDn
[436] = "%.f", -- Backseat - AirBrakes
[432] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown front
[431] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown left
[433] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearDown right
[429] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp front
[428] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp left
[430] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GearUp right
[434] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ExtendGears
[435] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoorsOu
[356] = "%.f", -- Backseat - BreakdownFinished
[443] = "%.f", -- Backseat - GA TILT
[343] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DangerAltitudeInstructor
[365] = "%.f", -- Backseat - EmergFuel
[345] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Remain150
[348] = "%.f", -- Backseat - DoNotStart
[364] = "%.f", -- Backseat - FuelFilter
[355] = "%.f", -- Backseat - WingTanks
[441] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerRollNeutral
[442] = "%.f", -- Backseat - TrimmerPitchNeutral
[344] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MachMeterLamp
[351] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CanopyNotClosed
[349] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Vibration
[342] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Fire
[352] = "%.f", -- Backseat - CockpitPressure
[361] = "%.f", -- Backseat - ConditioningClosed
[363] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Defrost
[360] = "%.f", -- Backseat - Ice
[346] = "%.f", -- Backseat - HydraulicPressureDrop
[455] = "%.f", -- Backseat - MasterDanger
[565] = "%.f", -- Backseat - RadioUnderControl
ExportScript.ConfigArguments =
arguments for export in low tick interval
based on "clickabledata.lua"
-- Front Seat
-- ASP-3NMU Gunsight
[101] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mode, GYRO/FIXED
[102] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Brightness Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
[103] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Wingspan Adjustment Dial (meters) (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[104] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Color Filter, ON/OFF
[105] = "%1d", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Fixed Reticle Mask Lever
[106] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Mirror Depression (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[107] = "%.1f", -- ASP-3NMU Gunsight Target Distance (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[335] = "%1d", -- Mech clock left lever Button
[336] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[337] = "%1d", -- Mech clock right lever Button
[338] = "%.1f", -- Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[57] = "%.f2", -- Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[60] = "%1d", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[61] = "%.2f", -- RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
[204] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Hemisphere Selection Switch, N(orth)/S(outh)
[207] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Mode Switch, MC(Magnetic Compass Mode)/GC(Directional Gyro Mode)
[205] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Test Switch, 0(degrees)/OFF/300(degrees) - Use to check heading indication accuracy {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[208] = "%1d", -- GMK-1AE GMC Course Selector Switch, CCW/OFF/CW {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[209] = "%.2f", -- GMK-1AE GMC Latitude Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
-- Gyro
[124] = "%1d", -- MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- Magnetic Variation
[532] = "%.2f", -- Magnetic Declination set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[30] = "%1d", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[39] = "%.2f", -- KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[177] = "%1d", -- SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[460] = "%1d", -- AGD Pitch Failure
[461] = "%1d", -- AGD Bank Failure
-- NPP (HSI)
[48] = "%.2f", -- HSI Course set Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
[526] = "%1d", -- Course Accordance
[458] = "%1d", -- GMK Failure
[178] = "%.1f", -- RSBN Mode Switch, LANDING/NAVIGATION/GLIDE PATH {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[179] = "%1d", -- RSBN Identification Button
[180] = "%1d", -- RSBN Test Button - Push to test
[181] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Control Box Lighting Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[184] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0, 0.8} in 0.04 Steps
[187] = "%1d", -- Initial Azimuth {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[188] = "%1d", -- Initial Range {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[191] = "%.3f", -- RSBN Navigation Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[192] = "%1d", -- RSBN Landing Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.025 Steps
[193] = "%1d", -- Set 0 Azimuth
[201] = "%.2f", -- RSBN Field Elevation Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.02 Steps
[297] = "%1d", -- RSBN Listen Callsign Button - Push to listen
[527] = "%1d", -- RSBN Emergency Landing Switch, ON/OFF
-- Variometer
[569] = "%.1f", -- Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[119] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[157] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[161] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[159] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[160] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[162] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[158] = "%1d", -- RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[165] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[163] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[164] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[168] = "%.2f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[166] = "%.4f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[167] = "%.1f", -- RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[459] = "%1d", -- ARK Failure
-- electric system
[141] = "%1d", -- Battery Switch, ON/OFF
[142] = "%1d", -- Main Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[143] = "%1d", -- Emergency Generator Switch, ON/OFF
[502] = "%1d", -- Net Switch, ON/OFF
[169] = "%1d", -- Emergency Engine Instruments Power Switch, ON/OFF
[315] = "%1d", -- Turbo Button
[313] = "%1d", -- Stop Turbo Switch, ON/OFF
[326] = "%1d", -- Engine Button
[320] = "%1d", -- Emergency Fuel Switch
[322] = "%.1f", -- Engine Start Mode Switch, START/FALSE START/COLD CRANKING {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[144] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Switch, ON/OFF
[145] = "%1d", -- CB AGD-GMK Switch, ON/OFF
[146] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 1 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[147] = "%1d", -- CB Inverter 2 (AC 115V) Switch, ON/OFF
[148] = "%1d", -- CB RDO (ICS and Radio) Switch, ON/OFF
[149] = "%1d", -- CB MRP-RV (Marker Beacon Receiver and Radio Altimeter) Switch, ON/OFF
[150] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Switch, ON/OFF
[151] = "%1d", -- CB IFF (SRO) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[152] = "%1d", -- CB RSBN (ISKRA) Emergency Connection Switch, ON/OFF
[153] = "%1d", -- CB Wing Tanks Switch, ON/OFF
[154] = "%1d", -- CB RIO-3 De-Icing Signal Switch, ON/OFF
[155] = "%1d", -- CB SDU Switch, ON/OFF
[505] = "%1d", -- CB Weapon Switch, ON/OFF
[211] = "%1d", -- CB Air Conditioning, ON/OFF
[212] = "%1d", -- CB Anti-Ice, ON/OFF
[213] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Left, ON/OFF
[214] = "%1d", -- CB Pitot Right, ON/OFF
[215] = "%1d", -- CB PT-500C, ON/OFF
[216] = "%1d", -- CB ARC, ON/OFF
[217] = "%1d", -- CB SRO, ON/OFF
[218] = "%1d", -- CB Seat-Helmet, ON/OFF
[219] = "%1d", -- CB Gears, ON/OFF
[220] = "%1d", -- CB Control, ON/OFF
[221] = "%1d", -- CB Signaling, ON/OFF
[222] = "%1d", -- CB Nav. Lights, ON/OFF
[223] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Left, ON/OFF
[224] = "%1d", -- CB Spotlight Right, ON/OFF
[225] = "%1d", -- CB Red Lights, ON/OFF
[226] = "%1d", -- CB White Lights, ON/OFF
[227] = "%1d", -- CB Start Panel, ON/OFF
[228] = "%1d", -- CB Booster Pump, ON/OFF
[229] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 1, ON/OFF
[230] = "%1d", -- CB Ignition 2, ON/OFF
[231] = "%1d", -- CB Engine Instruments, ON/OFF
[232] = "%1d", -- CB Fire, ON/OFF
[233] = "%1d", -- CB Emergency Jettison, ON/OFF
[234] = "%1d", -- CB SARPP, ON/OFF
[503] = "%1d", -- CB Seat, ON/OFF
[504] = "%1d", -- CB Signal, ON/OFF
[512] = "%1d", -- CB Ground Intercom, ON/OFF
[294] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[295] = "%1d", -- Main (Right) Pitot Tube Heating Button - Push to turn heating on
[292] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
[293] = "%1d", -- Standby (Left) Pitot Tube Heating Off Button - Push to turn heating off
-- lights system
[176] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Mode Control Switch, FLICKER/OFF/FIXED {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[175] = "%.1f", -- Navigation Lights Intensity Control Switch, DIM(30%)/BRT(60%)/MAX(100%) {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[311] = "%1d", -- Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[330] = "%1d", -- Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[331] = "%.1f", -- Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[249] = "%1d", -- Emergency Instrument Light Switch, ON/OFF
[202] = "%.1f", -- Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[203] = "%1d", -- Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- Weapon System
[254] = "%1d", -- CB Armament System Power Switch, ON/OFF
[255] = "%1d", -- CB UB-16 Rocket Firing Control Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[256] = "%1d", -- CB ASP-FKP (Gunsight and Gun Camera) Power Switch, ON/OFF
[257] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Heating Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[258] = "%1d", -- CB Missile Seeker Glowing Circuit Power Switch, ON/OFF
[259] = "%.1f", -- Missile Seeker Tone Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[268] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BLANK
[271] = "%.1f", -- Rockets Firing Mode Selector Switch, AUT./2RS/4RS {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[509] = "%1d", -- Arm/Safe Bombs Emergency Jettison Switch, LIVE/BOMBS/BLANK {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[507] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Switch, ON/OFF
[273] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Signal Flare Dispenser Power Switch, ON/OFF
[274] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Yellow Signal Flare Launch Button
[275] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Green Signal Flare Launch Button
[276] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 Red Signal Flare Launch Button
[277] = "%1d", -- EKSR-46 White Signal Flare Launch Button
[260] = "%1d", -- Missile/Bomb Release Selector Switch, PORT(Left)/STARB-BOTH(Right for Missiles/Both)
[270] = "%1d", -- Emergency Jettison Outboard Stations Switch, ON/OFF
-- oxygen system
[303] = "%1d", -- Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[304] = "%1d", -- Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[307] = "%1d", -- Helmet Ventilation Switch, ON/OFF
[306] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[484] = "%.2f", -- Oxygen Interconnaction Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- sarpp
[298] = "%1d", -- SARPP Flight Recorder, ON/OFF
-- fuel system
[296] = "%1d", -- Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[172] = "%.2f", -- Cabin Air Conditioning Control Switch, OFF/HEAT/COOL/AUTOMATIC {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[173] = "%.1f", -- Cabin Air Temperature Controller Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[121] = "%.2f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Air Conditioning Control Switch, HEAT/AUTO/COOL {0.0,0.25} in 0.05 Steps
[120] = "%.1f", -- Diffuser and Flight Suit Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[511] = "%1d", -- Conditioning Shutoff Switch, OPEN/FRONT PILOT CONTROL/CLOSE {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
-- anti-icing system
[174] = "%1d", -- De-Icing Mode Switch, MANUAL/AUTOMATIC/OFF {0.0,0.1,0.2}
[183] = "%1d", -- RIO-3 De-Icing Sensor Heating Circuit Check Button - Push to test
-- helmet heating
[309] = "%1d", -- Helmet Visor Quick Heating Button - Push to heat
[308] = "%1d", -- Helmet Heating Mode Switch, AUTO/OFF/ON {0.0,0.5,1.0}
[310] = "%.1f", -- Helmet Heating Temperature Rheostat (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[209] = "%1d", -- Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[291] = "%1d", -- ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[288] = "%1d", -- Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[289] = "%1d", -- Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[134] = "%1d", -- Radio Button
[133] = "%1d", -- Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[287] = "%1d", -- Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[286] = "%1d", -- Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[284] = "%1d", -- R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- engine systems
[329] = "%1d", -- IV-300 Engine Vibration Test Button - Push to test
[328] = "%1d", -- Fire Extinguish Button - Push to extinguish
[272] = "%1d", -- Fire Warning Signal Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[324] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Manual Disable Switch, RT-12 DISABLED/RT-12 ENABLED
[243] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Power Switch, ON/OFF
[242] = "%1d", -- RT-12 JPT Regulator Test Switch, I/OFF/II {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[499] = "%1d", -- EGT Indicator Switch, FRONT/REAR
-- control system
[281] = "%1d", -- Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[282] = "%1d", -- Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[283] = "%1d", -- Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[549] = "%1d", -- Throttle Limiter
[135] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch {0.0,1.0}
[136] = "%1d", -- Air Brake Switch (2nd position) {0.0,1.0}
[118] = "%1d", -- Landing Gear Control Lever {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[334] = "%.1f", -- Emergency/Parking Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[334] = "%1d", -- Parking Brake Lever Flag - Push to remove parking brake
[197] = "%1d", -- Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[194] = "%1d", -- Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[195] = "%1d", -- Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[196] = "%1d", -- RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[456] = "%1d", -- Full Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
[457] = "%1d", -- Static Pressure Failure Lever, ON/STBY/FAILURE {-0.5,0.0,0.5}
-- accelerometer
[89] = "%1d", -- Reset Limits
-- canopy
[998] = "%1d", -- Canopy Handle
[285] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Lock Handle
[244] = "%1d", -- Forward Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- Pitot Selector
[333] = "%1d", -- Pitot Tube Selector Lever, STBY(Left)/MAIN(Right)
-- Back Seat
[412] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever Button
[413] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock left lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.04 Steps
[414] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever Button
[415] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Mech clock right lever (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- Baro Altimeter
[394] = "%.f2", -- Backseat - Baro pressure QFE knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.6 Steps
-- Radar Altimeter
[398] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Test Button
[399] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RV-5M Radio Altimeter Decision Height Knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.2 Steps
-- GMK
-- Gyro
[444] = "%1d", -- Backseat - MC Synchronization Button - Push to synchronize (level flight only)
-- KPP-1273K (ADI)
[367] = "%1d", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Cage Button
[376] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - KPP-1273K Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) Pitch Trim Knob (Axis) {-1.0, 1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- NPP (HSI)
[385] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - HSI Course set knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.15 Steps
-- Variometer
[419] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Variometer adjustment knob (Axis) {0.0, 1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- RKL-41
[440] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Outer-Inner Beacon (Far-Near NDB) Switch
[514] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Volume Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[518] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Brightness Knob (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[516] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Mode Switch, TLF(A3)/TLG(A1,A2)
[517] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Function Selector Switch, OFF/COMP(AUTO)/COMP(MAN)/ANT/LOOP {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4}
[519] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Loop Switch, LEFT/OFF/RIGHT
[515] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Control Switch, TAKE CONTROL/HAND OVER CONTROL
[522] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {1.0, 0.0} in 0.05 Steps
[520] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[521] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Far NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[525] = "%.2f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB Frequency Tune (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
[523] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 100kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.938} in 0.0588 Steps
[524] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - RKL-41 ADF Near NDB 10kHz rotary (Axis) {0.0,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
-- electric system
[488] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Turbo Button
[494] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Engine Button
[490] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Stop Engine Switch
[492] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Fuel Switch
-- lights system
[486] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Taxi and Landing Lights (Searchlights) Control Switch, TAXI/OFF/LANDING {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[497] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch, Red/OFF/White {-1.0,0.0,1.0}
[498] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Instrument Lights Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.1,0.9} in 0.1 Steps
[537] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Intensity Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[538] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Warning-Light Check Button - Push to check
-- oxygen system
[479] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Oxygen Switch, ON/OFF
[480] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Diluter Demand Switch, 100% / MIX
[482] = "%.4f", -- Backseat - Oxygen Supply Valve (CLOSE - CW, OPEN - CCW) (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.05 Steps
-- fuel system
[475] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Fuel Shut-Off Lever
-- air system
[245] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - ECS and Pressurization Handle, OFF/CANOPIES SEALED/ECS ON (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
-- SPU-9
[473] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Reserve Intercom Switch, ON/OFF
[474] = "%1d", -- Backseat - ADF Audio Switch, ADF/OFF
[471] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[472] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Volume Knob (Axis) {0.0,0.8} in 0.05 Steps
[547] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Button
[546] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Intercom Button
-- R-832M
[470] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Radio Control Switch, ON/OFF
[469] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Squelch Switch, ON/OFF
[468] = "%1d", -- Backseat - R-832M Preset Channel Selector Knob (Axis) {0.0,1.0} in 20 0.05 Steps
-- control system
[465] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Flight Position (0 degrees) Button
[466] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Takeoff Position (25 degrees) Button
[467] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Flaps Landing Position (44 degrees) Button
[548] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Air Brake Switch {-1.0, 0.0, 1.0}
[437] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Landing Gear Control Lever {0.0,0.5,1.0} ??? eigentlich 4 Positionen
[501] = "%.1f", -- Backseat - Emergency Wheel Brake Lever {0.0,1.0} in 0.1 Steps
[536] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Main and Emergency Hydraulic Systems Interconnection Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[533] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Landing Gear Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[534] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Emergency Flaps Extension Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
[535] = "%1d", -- Backseat - RAT (Emergency Generator) Emergency Lever, FORWARD(OFF)/BACKWARD(ON)
-- canopy
[999] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Handle
[485] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Lock Handle
[539] = "%1d", -- Backseat - Canopy Emergency Jettison Handle
-- done every export event --
-- Pointed to by ProcessIkarusDCSHighImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Front Seat
-- ADI correction
--[31] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[40] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(31)
local lSideslip = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(40)
if lSideslip < 0.0 then
lSideslip = lSideslip - lSideslip - lSideslip -- negate
lSideslip = 0 - lSideslip
lPitch = lPitch * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(31, string.format("%.4f", lPitch))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(40, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip))
-- HSI correction
--[41] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[42] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (white needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(41)
local lCommandCourse = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(42)
if lHeading < 0.0 then
lHeading = lHeading - lHeading - lHeading -- negate
lHeading = 0 - lHeading -- negate
lCommandCourse = lCommandCourse + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(41, string.format("%.4f", lHeading))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(42, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse))
--[56] = "%.4f", -- VD-20 PRESS {0.0, 1.0}{670.0, 826.0}
--local lPressure = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(56)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lPressure: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lPressure))
--[51] = "%.4f", -- MACH
--local lMACH = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(51)
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('lMACH: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(lMACH))
-- Back Seat
-- ADI correction
--[368] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K pitch {-0.5, 0.5} {-math.pi / 2.0, math.pi / 2.0}
--[377] = "%.4f", -- KPP 1273K sideslip {-1.0, 1.0}
local lPitch2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(368)
local lSideslip2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(377)
if lSideslip2 < 0.0 then
lSideslip2 = lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 - lSideslip2 -- negate
lSideslip2 = 0 - lSideslip2
lPitch2 = lPitch2 * 2
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(368, string.format("%.4f", lPitch2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(377, string.format("%.4f", lSideslip2))
-- HSI correction
--[378] = "%.4f", -- HSI heading {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
--[379] = "%.4f", -- HSI commanded course needle (wihte needle) {1.0, 0.0} {0.0, math.pi * 2.0}
local lHeading2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(378)
local lCommandCourse2 = mainPanelDevice:get_argument_value(379)
if lHeading2 < 0.0 then
lHeading2 = lHeading2 - lHeading2 - lHeading2 -- negate
lHeading2 = 0 - lHeading2 -- negate
lCommandCourse2 = lCommandCourse2 + 0.5 -- 180 degree turn
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(378, string.format("%.4f", lHeading2))
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(379, string.format("%.4f", lCommandCourse2))
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigHighImportance(mainPanelDevice)
every frame export to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
-- done every gExportLowTickInterval export events --
-- Pointed to by ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance
function ExportScript.ProcessIkarusDCSConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to Ikarus
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local lUHFRadio = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendData("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendData(2000, string.format("%7.3f", lUHFRadio:get frequency()/1000000)) <- special function for get frequency data
-- Cockpit Light
ExportScript.Tools.IkarusCockpitLights(mainPanelDevice, {222, 225, 226, 497})
-- CB Nav. Lights, CB Red Lights, CB White Lights, Backseat - Instrument Lighting Switch
function ExportScript.ProcessDACConfigLowImportance(mainPanelDevice)
export in low tick interval to DAC
Example from A-10C
Get Radio Frequencies
get data from device
local UHF RADIO = GetDevice(54)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format")
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("ExportID", "Format", HardwareConfigID)
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000))
ExportScript.Tools.SendDataDAC("2000", string.format("%7.3f", UHF RADIO:get frequency()/1000000), 2) -- export to Hardware '2' Config
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('list cockpit params(): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list cockpit params()))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog('CMSP: '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(list indication(7)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 0, 13, 1 do
ltmp1 = list indication(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
--ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
local ltmp1 = 0
for ltmp2 = 1, 73, 1 do
ltmp1 = GetDevice(ltmp2)
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..': '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(ltmp1))
ExportScript.Tools.WriteToLog(ltmp2..' (metatable): '..ExportScript.Tools.dump(getmetatable(ltmp1)))
-- Custom functions --
function ExportScript.genericRadio(key, value, hardware)
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#14NB: n'ouvrez pas le fichier export.lua avec le notepad de windows essayer avec notepad ++
quand vous aurrez fait tout cela ouvrez l'executable d'ikarus et essayer d'ouvrir le fichier xml de l39
regler l'affichage pour qu'il soit fait dans l'ecran approprier
et la derniere etapes c'est : Amusez vous bien
quand vous aurrez fait tout cela ouvrez l'executable d'ikarus et essayer d'ouvrir le fichier xml de l39
regler l'affichage pour qu'il soit fait dans l'ecran approprier
et la derniere etapes c'est : Amusez vous bien
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
Re: L39-C + helios
#16Merci pour l'info, c'est la première fois que j'entends parler d'Ikarus. Ça semble intéressant, plus souple qu'Helios pour les nouveaux appareils, mais reste à voir s'il a les mêmes fonctionnalités par ailleurs...
Sinon il y a moyen d'utiliser Helios pour d'autres appareils que le Ka50 ou le A10C. J'ai posté un tuto (en anglais) ici : https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=167215
PS : Le titre du post devrait par ailleurs être L39C + Ikarus
Sinon il y a moyen d'utiliser Helios pour d'autres appareils que le Ka50 ou le A10C. J'ai posté un tuto (en anglais) ici : https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=167215
PS : Le titre du post devrait par ailleurs être L39C + Ikarus
Re: L39-C + helios
#18Ça Marche.......! Encore Merci.... juste un tout petit souci, je n'arrive pas a mettre le cockpit sur mon deuxième écran. Il insiste pour se mettre sur l'écran principale.
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#19Ya in petit probleme aussi avec l'altimètre j'ai rectifier le fichier html du l39 si tu voeux donne moi une adresse je te l'envoi mais j'aimerai par la meme occasion que tu m'envoi le fichier qui contien tes instrument en format png pour que je puisse changer l'altimètre merci je vais t'envoyer une image ou je te montre comment faire pour mettre le tableau de bord dans un deuxième ecran
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
- Nouvelle Recrue
- Messages : 6
- Inscription : 30 septembre 2016
Re: L39-C + helios
#20Voilà comment faire
I-7 4790k OC 4.7 Ghz, RAM 8GO 2400Mhz, graphique Nvidia GeForce 970 Gtx Gaming G1. SSD 240 GO. saitek x52 + Rudder. track IR 5
Re: L39-C + helios
#21Je vais sans doute m'y mettre dans l'hiver, ça serait sympa de regrouper/partager dans ce post tous les éléments (fichiers/soft/panel, ...) faisant fonctionner cet export. Ça permettrait de s'y retrouver sans aller à la pêche aux infos. Merci déjà pour ce que l'on y trouve
Re: L39-C + helios
#22 C'est bon, J'ai réussi a mettre ça sur le deuxièmes écran
Check tes MP, j'y ai mis mon adresse mail.....!
Oui effectivement Morpheus ce serais bien !
Check tes MP, j'y ai mis mon adresse mail.....!
Oui effectivement Morpheus ce serais bien !
Re: L39-C + Ikarus
#23Bonjour à tous
Petit essai de cet "IKARUS"
Et bien c'est adopté, dans mon cas, c'est juste pour avoir quelques instruments minimums (vario, rpm, altitude, ..) sur un 2éme écran juste pour faciliter la voltige.
Très vite installé et presque aussi vite modifications des configs qui m'interessent (c'est du wysiwyg).
(En exemple pour le P51, volontairement ultra simplifié sur un 10" en 1280x800)
Merci pour les diverses infos trouvées ici et ce petit utilitaire plutôt bien foutu.
Petit essai de cet "IKARUS"
Et bien c'est adopté, dans mon cas, c'est juste pour avoir quelques instruments minimums (vario, rpm, altitude, ..) sur un 2éme écran juste pour faciliter la voltige.
Très vite installé et presque aussi vite modifications des configs qui m'interessent (c'est du wysiwyg).
(En exemple pour le P51, volontairement ultra simplifié sur un 10" en 1280x800)
Merci pour les diverses infos trouvées ici et ce petit utilitaire plutôt bien foutu.
- Pièces jointes
- Sans-titre-1.jpg (146.18 Kio) Consulté 6091 fois
i15-20900PQ NTM-2080TI Z990 256To RAMes
Re: L39-C + Ikarus
#24Merci je ne connaissais pas Ikarus.
Il vient de finir dans mon Pit, que je suis (enfin!) entrain de finaliser...
Il vient de finir dans mon Pit, que je suis (enfin!) entrain de finaliser...