Slaw Device sur FB beau produit, mais un peu cher
J'avais demandé le tarif pour la version F-16, voici la réponse :
" Hi.
Cost of F16 rudder pedals - 380 euros + 45 EUR shipping to EU. Due to the change of the euro against the dollar, the price can increase by 25 euros. Damper is not included. You can buy it on Ebay. The cost 45-55 dollars ... 1520624771. Work up to the middle of May stopped. Time - Jule if you on the waiting list.
Changes - 4 holes in the base
Payment - Bank transfer after your pedals are ready. "
pour les délais :
" If all is well - about two months. Last time I had a problems - so the term has increased. "
Au final, un produit qui n'est pas livré complet, tardivement et qui coûte cher: 380 + 45 (shipping) + 43.34 (le damper) = 468,34 Euros. Comparativement le Crosswind est plus de 100 euros moins cher (pour les délais c'est execo !).