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Warthog : Une review tres complete chez simhq

Publié : ven. oct. 22, 2010 6:32 pm
par Ghostrider

Publié : ven. oct. 22, 2010 6:51 pm
par icemaker
Joli test très technique!

Publié : ven. oct. 22, 2010 8:09 pm
par Phil Vaillant
J'aime bien ce genre de petit test .

En plus je vien de voir que tout est démontable pour l'intégration cockpit donc tout bon ca :).

Publié : ven. oct. 22, 2010 8:27 pm
par Snake (PB0_Foxy)
je vais regarder ca et éplucher TARGET ce week end :Jumpy:

Publié : ven. oct. 22, 2010 11:07 pm
par tom gun
superbe merci beaucoup :flowers::cowboy:

Publié : sam. oct. 23, 2010 2:28 am
par hellfrog
I have a Cougar with U2 NXT gimbals (considered a very good Cougar gimbal mod for accurate and light stick forces) with which to compare the HOTAS Warthog (see a description of the U2 NXT mod here). The HOTAS Warthog feels much better than the NXT Cougar and is much smoother mechanically. The HOTAS Warthog requires slightly more force to move away from center, but the required force stays constant throughout the range of the stick’s motion. The NXT Cougar, on the other hand, starts out with very light stick forces when moving away from center, and then the forces increase at the more extreme travel because the Cougar’s rubber boot stretches. The NXT Cougar tends to oscillate about the joystick center point due to its engineering design and its light springs. The HOTAS Warthog’s coil spring design prevents that from happening, as shown in the video below. The coil spring design also means that there is absolutely no transition from the X to the Y axis and vice versa. Overall the HOTAS Warthog stick feels much better than the NXT Cougar, and the NXT Cougar is already a massive leap over the stock Cougar gimbals. Thrustmaster has made a huge improvement with the HOTAS Warthog’s joystick design.

hum.... un DIY ou un warthog? .... la question a le mérite d'être posée....

il parait tentant celui là qd meme !!!