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Publié : sam. juin 05, 2004 10:52 am
par Shin
Voici ce que je sais sur ce panneau :


Voyant CTVS (Cockpit TeleVision Sensor).
S'allume quand le CTVS est actif.

Voyant AVTR (Airborne VideoTape Recorder).
S'allume quand l'AVTR est actif.

Bouton TEST.
Teste les voyants lumineux CTVS et AVTR.

Commutateur ON/AUTO/OFF.
ON : active l'AVTR.
AUTO : active l'AVTR si la détente ou le bouton de lancement de missile sont pressés.
Un enregistrement de 30 secondes est créé (sauf si le commutateur est mis sur OFF avant).
OFF : désactive l'AVTR.

AFT : aucune idée !
LEFT : passe l'enregistrement sur le MFD gauche
HUD : passe l'enregistrement sur le HUD
RIGHT : passe l'enregistrement sur le MFD droit

Je ne connais donc pas l'utilisation de la position AFT ni du voyant CTVS.
Avez-vous des idées ?

Publié : ven. juin 25, 2004 4:21 pm
par frdupessey
non ! B)

Publié : ven. juin 25, 2004 11:03 pm
par Nsvge
AFT est généralement utilisé pour désigné quelque chose versl'"arriére"... :huh:

Publié : dim. juin 27, 2004 4:27 pm
par Mobius
après un peu de googling sur "hud" "aft"
12 -- HUD AFT MONITOR SOL F42620-95-R-21295 DUE 081795 POC For copy, PKX-2/Pamala Chaffee/(FAX)801-777-7522, For additional information contact Aircraft Services/Lfks/(801)777-5870 Item 0001 NSN 1270-01-357-1351WF P/N: 146240-13, Aft monitor presents a high contrast image of HUD symbology superimposed of the outside world as viewed through the HUD camera or sensor video. Dim: 19'' l. x 12'' w. x 10.6'' h. 2ea. Applicable to: F-16. Destn: FMS Countries. Delivery: 30 Jun 97 2 ea Qualification requirements: Sources must be qualified prior to being considered for award. The solicitation will contain instructions for obtaining further information on this requirement. The requirements of FAR 9.202(A) have been completed and copies of the qualification requirements and standards may be obtained as described in the solicitation. These qualification requirements apply to line item(s) all The approximate issue/response date will be 18 Jul 95. To: Astronautics Corp Of America, Milwaukee Wi 53201-0523. No telephone requests. Only written or faxed requests received directly from the requestor are acceptable. All responsible sources may submit a bid, proposal, or quotation which shall be considered. Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2304©(1), Justification: Supplies (or Services) required are available from only one or a limited number of responsible source(s) and no other type of supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The proposed contract action is for supplies and services for which the Government intends to solicit and negotiate with only one, or a limited number of sources under the authority of FAR 6.302. Interested persons may identify their interest and capability to respond to the requirement or submit proposals. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. However, all proposals received within forty-five days (thirty days if award is issued under an existing basic ordering agreement) after date of publication of this synopsis will be considered by the Government. A Determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Information received will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. Award will be made only if the offeror, the product/service, or the manufacturer meets qualification requirements at the time of award in accordance with FAR clause 52.209-1. The solicitation identifies the office where additional information can be obtained concerning qualification requirements is cited in each individual solicitation. It is suggested that small business firms or others interested in subcontracting opportunities in connection with the described procurement make contact with the firm(s) listed. Don't request information on this requirement until after the issue date. Requests for copies of solicitations must reference the entire solicitation number, including purchasing office identification number. To expedite your request, limit the number of individual solicitation numbers requested per letter to not more than 10. (0179)
ce qui ne nous apprend pas grand chose
mais ca est nettement plus éclairant, il semblerait que ce soit la station arrière

Publié : ven. juil. 02, 2004 1:39 pm
par Shin
Mais à l'arrière de quoi ? Et où ?

Publié : ven. juil. 02, 2004 4:20 pm
par Faucon 1
Both front and aft units are in constant communication
with the aircraft computer through an RS-485
interface, which transmits key-press information for
display brightness and panel operating modes and
updates display content.
sur les images, on voit des f-16 biplace, ce serait pas simplement la place arrière ?

Publié : ven. juil. 02, 2004 5:13 pm
par Shin
Oui, mais où en place arrière ? Car ça pourraît bien être ça...

Publié : mer. juil. 21, 2004 8:03 pm
par Excalibur
Je me demande si vous ne prenez pas les choses à l'envers, dans ce cas le rotacteur permet de choisir la source de ce que l'AVTR doit enregistrer.

Dans ce cas AFT serait une source à enregistrer tout comme on peut enregistrer ce que l'on voit sur le HUD ou les écrans MFD.

A méditer et A+