Nouveau concept de base navale mobile pour l'us navy
Publié : mer. avr. 27, 2022 6:35 pm
Nouveau concept de base navale mobile pour l'us navy ... er_(ESB-3) ... es-us-navyTom Kaminski takes a look at how the US Navy is reconfiguring the design for a civilian oil tanker into a mobile, multi-mission base at sea.
Home-ported in Bahrain, the Expeditionary Sea Base (ESB) ship USS Lewis B Puller (ESB 3), is the first of a new class of vessels operated by the US Navy. Designed to serve as mobile sea bases that support low-intensity missions, the ESBs can also be employed across a broad range of military operations. ... er_(ESB-3)
Lewis B. Puller was launched and floated-off at the General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard on 6 November 2014. The launching dock was slowly flooded with water until she could freely float by herself.[1] The ship was christened on 7 February 2015, and she was delivered on 12 June 2015.[3][28]
Lewis B. Puller set sail from San Diego to Norfolk via Cape Horn, arriving 13 October 2015 to begin her testing and evaluation phase. The ship is currently configured for minesweeping support but is also under consideration to support special operations forces (SOF) missions. Lewis B. Puller is slated to join the U.S. Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf in late 2016 or early 2017.[29]