Gros upgrade pour 608 F-16 de l'usaf

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Dieu vivant
Dieu vivant
Messages : 23108
Inscription : 23 mai 2003

Gros upgrade pour 608 F-16 de l'usaf


Message par warbird2000 »

Gros upgrade pour 608 F-16 de l'usaf

Planned updates include the addition of a Center Display Unit, a Programmable Data Generator, and “several other key hardware components to modernize the aircraft.” In addition, the F-16 will receive the AN/APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array radar (AESA), new electronic warfare capabilities, advanced mission computer, and a communications suite upgrade that includes an updated Link-16 datalink capability. The USAF says this new communication system will convert the fleet to “a high-speed data network.” ... ckage-ever

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