Possible nouvel avion de combat ou UCAV chinois

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As du Manche
As du Manche
Messages : 11190
Inscription : 13 avril 2004

Possible nouvel avion de combat ou UCAV chinois


Message par Deltafan »

Article The Drive, avec le titre : Tailless Fighter-Like Airframe Spotted At Chinese Jet Manufacturer's Test Airfield

https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/4 ... t-airfield
Satellite images The War Zone recently obtained — dated Oct. 29, 2021 — of the company's (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation) flight test airfield, which is located adjacent to its plant in its namesake city, (...) shows five J-20s on the ramp, 18 J-10s, a couple of drones, and one very unusual airframe unlike any other.
The puzzling airframe in question seems to have first appeared in early-to-mid 2021, next to a standalone hangar on the northeastern side of the airfield. The hangar appeared in 2019 but was part of a much larger project to build out and enhance the entire northeastern area of the airfield and to reconfigure its flightline, which runs offset by a taxiway along the runway's eastern edge.
An unmanned configuration like this could provide the J-20 with a highly logical, high-performance, and potent 'loyal wingman' unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). (...). Such an aircraft could also be used independently as its own semi-autonomous UCAV, too.
If a tailless fighter or UCAV design is indeed the concept reflected in the airframe we are seeing in the satellite images, it doesn't mean that it is flightworthy. Quite the opposite could be true. It could be a mock-up of a configuration being pursued—or one that was passed over. It could also be a radar cross-section model to test the design's radar signature. In fact, it looks eerily similar to a radar cross-section test model we have recently seen at an American radar cross-section testing facility. It could also be something else entirely.
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