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Deux A400M pour le Kazakhstan

Publié : mer. sept. 01, 2021 5:03 pm
par warbird2000
Airbus a reçu une commande de deux A400M pour le Kazakhstan ... kazakhstan
Kazakhstan will become the ninth operator of the A400M heavy-lift tactical transport after Airbus announced that the nation had ordered two examples of the type on September 1. This deal also marks the first acquisition order for the platform since gearbox issues were discovered in May 2015.
edit; un autre lien plus accessible :) ... M_Aircraft

Re: Deux A400M pour le Kazakhstan

Publié : mer. sept. 01, 2021 5:36 pm
par jojo
warbird2000 a écrit :
mer. sept. 01, 2021 5:03 pm
Airbus a reçu une commande de deux A400M pour le Kazakhstan ... kazakhstan
Kazakhstan will become the ninth operator of the A400M heavy-lift tactical transport after Airbus announced that the nation had ordered two examples of the type on September 1. This deal also marks the first acquisition order for the platform since gearbox issues were discovered in May 2015.
edit; un autre lien plus accessible :) ... M_Aircraft
Ce ne sont pourtant pas les sources Francophones qui manquent :hum:

Ces 2 A400M viendront compléter 9 C295. ... s-dairbus/