Dans le cas du Mica comme dans celui du python 5, les 2 sont capables de faire du BVR (court BVR pour le python), donc il doit effectivement y avoir suffisamment de carburant pour faire demi tour et réaccélerer pour intercepter un avion en secteur arrière à portée visuelle (et seulement à faible portée)
voilà ce qui est dit sur le Python:
New technologies implemented in the Python 5 give it maneuvering and launching skills unimaginable just few years ago. Instead of talking about certain “killing hemisphere” we are talking about an ability to shoot any target at any angle, including backwards launch (!). This ability is possible by applying LOAL (lock on after launch) technology. In oppose to LOBL (lock on before launch), that is used in all short range air-to-air missiles (excluding the Python 5 of course) in LOAL mode the pilot can launch a missile without being locked on the target, by getting the aircraft's estimated location from an array of sensors which are deployed on the launching aircraft. From the moment the Python 5 is launched, its head seeker scans the designated area constantly while it flies in a direct path to the estimated location of the target. Once the missile “sees” the target, it employs its unique, first of its kind, electro-optical head-seeker and locks on the target.