... ed-kc-135rAll seven of Turkey’s KC-135R are being upgraded, with the last scheduled for redelivery in 2023. The first was redelivered on September 5, 2021, after the work had been completed at Field Aerospace in Oklahoma City. The modifications are the same as those for the similar US Air Force (USAF) KC-135R upgrade. This includes a complete remodelling of the flight deck with new liquid crystal displays, radio altimeter, computer module updates, autopilot and a digital flight director. It comprises the replacement of 63 parts, including obsolete, high-maintenance analogue instruments.
Sept c'est beaucoup, il n'y a que la France et l'angleterre qui ont plus de ravitailleurs en Europe
Donc si les relations avec les usa ne sont pas au beau fixe, elles ne sont pas rompues non plus