* Various small stability fixes
* Reworked the weapon attachment system
* Is now much cleaner
* Allows multiple attachments (Due to this addition, we've disabled multiple FOV's until further notice)
* Allows user to fine tune placement on rail
* Detects overlap between attachments (overlapped attachment turns red)
* Actual attachment mesh used during process for better visualization
* Removed need to selected point for muzzle attachments
* Improved removal process by creating dedicated removal point for each item.
* More work done in area of restricting certain attachment types not being allowed to attach to others
* Reworked sight alignment system to be more robust and much easier to use (good for modders!)
* Reworked magnified optic magnification system
* added LinearFOV array to BaseOpticalSight BP.
* values should be in linear FOV at 1000m.
* will automatically calculate angular FOV's using these values using formula 0.0573 x linear FOV.
*Verified formula using information provided by optic manufacturers.
* Eye position reverts to non-engaged position during freelook if you look off center +/- 5°
* Fixed RedDot_CompM2 sight to be facing proper direction
* Lots animation tweaks and updates for locomotion, stances, grip and reloading (Still focusing on only M4 weapon for reloads)
* New recoil system in now in place. Still needs fine tuning, but basics are there
* M4 bolt now works properly during firing
* Added in caliber specific brass casings for ejection from weapon
* Fixed up some values so ejected brass no longer spins on ground and now lasts 40-60 seconds before fading
* Fixed various typos in UI
* Cleaned up pacth UV's on character
* Added in collison volumes to block off non-playable areas in ShootingRange map
* Added in missing mag release button to M4
* Upped the magnified optic RTT size to 512x512 from 256x256 to get clearer picture
* Changed color of 20rnd mag to black to fit weapon color scheme better and made sure it fit Mk12SPR properly
* Adjusted arm patch mesh size to be correct to NATO standards
* Reworked landscape layers/shaders to fix crash bug with terrain collision on some maps
* fixed suicide command firing after respawn
* fixed sight zeroing on Mk4 10x
* added support for invert mouse
* added support for Double Click Time.
* added smooth mouse setter/getter to fix log spam & ensure its set.
* fixed bolt hold open being set if round is fired without magazine in.
* charge animation will now play if bolt is forward & chamber is empty.
* improved sprinting.
* added bWeaponPositionPreventsSprinting variable.
* set if player switches to on target weapon position while sprinting.
* resets if player switches to off target weapon position or stops sprinting.
* added GBCharacter::CanSprint() - returns false if reloading or if bWeaponPositionPreventsSprinting is true.
* added direction check to GBCharacterMovement - must be +/- 22.5° within forward. Fixes moon walking
* replaced Sight_FlipUpBUIS with Sight_FlipUp_Back & Sight_FlipUp_Front