John Sonedecker, un ancien de "Red Storm Entertainment" (les séries Rainbow Six et Ghost Recon)
développe, sous Unreal Engine 4, son propre Tactical Shooter qui se veut le digne sucesseur de R6 et GR
(purement fantassin et pas de véhicule conduisible prévu pour l'instant).
Après plusieurs années de labeur, une démo technique gratuite de son FPS est enfin dispo :
La distribution se fait via STEAM et la page Store propose plusieurs offres payantes.
J'ai testé vite fait, c'est clairement du WIP mais il y a de bonnes idées sur le maniement de l'arme avec une vue libre comme dans ArmA/OFP.
Bon week-end.
[Tactical First Person Shooter] Ground Branch
Re: [Tactical First Person Shooter] Ground Branch
nouvelle Tech Preview 0.9.4 à récupérer à la même adresse.
nouvelle Tech Preview 0.9.4 à récupérer à la même adresse.
* Various small stability fixes
* Reworked the weapon attachment system
* Is now much cleaner
* Allows multiple attachments (Due to this addition, we've disabled multiple FOV's until further notice)
* Allows user to fine tune placement on rail
* Detects overlap between attachments (overlapped attachment turns red)
* Actual attachment mesh used during process for better visualization
* Removed need to selected point for muzzle attachments
* Improved removal process by creating dedicated removal point for each item.
* More work done in area of restricting certain attachment types not being allowed to attach to others
* Reworked sight alignment system to be more robust and much easier to use (good for modders!)
* Reworked magnified optic magnification system
* added LinearFOV array to BaseOpticalSight BP.
* values should be in linear FOV at 1000m.
* will automatically calculate angular FOV's using these values using formula 0.0573 x linear FOV.
*Verified formula using information provided by optic manufacturers.
* Eye position reverts to non-engaged position during freelook if you look off center +/- 5°
* Fixed RedDot_CompM2 sight to be facing proper direction
* Lots animation tweaks and updates for locomotion, stances, grip and reloading (Still focusing on only M4 weapon for reloads)
* New recoil system in now in place. Still needs fine tuning, but basics are there
* M4 bolt now works properly during firing
* Added in caliber specific brass casings for ejection from weapon
* Fixed up some values so ejected brass no longer spins on ground and now lasts 40-60 seconds before fading
* Fixed various typos in UI
* Cleaned up pacth UV's on character
* Added in collison volumes to block off non-playable areas in ShootingRange map
* Added in missing mag release button to M4
* Upped the magnified optic RTT size to 512x512 from 256x256 to get clearer picture
* Changed color of 20rnd mag to black to fit weapon color scheme better and made sure it fit Mk12SPR properly
* Adjusted arm patch mesh size to be correct to NATO standards
* Reworked landscape layers/shaders to fix crash bug with terrain collision on some maps
* fixed suicide command firing after respawn
* fixed sight zeroing on Mk4 10x
* added support for invert mouse
* added support for Double Click Time.
* added smooth mouse setter/getter to fix log spam & ensure its set.
* fixed bolt hold open being set if round is fired without magazine in.
* charge animation will now play if bolt is forward & chamber is empty.
* improved sprinting.
* added bWeaponPositionPreventsSprinting variable.
* set if player switches to on target weapon position while sprinting.
* resets if player switches to off target weapon position or stops sprinting.
* added GBCharacter::CanSprint() - returns false if reloading or if bWeaponPositionPreventsSprinting is true.
* added direction check to GBCharacterMovement - must be +/- 22.5° within forward. Fixes moon walking
* replaced Sight_FlipUpBUIS with Sight_FlipUp_Back & Sight_FlipUp_Front
Re: [Tactical First Person Shooter] Ground Branch
#3Bonjour, version 0.9.5 :
* Commented out debug line code that displayed line while leaning
* Made collision adjustments to shell ejection effects and commentary dialogs so ejected shell casings do not collide with various volumes in the world
* Small fix for a tree type that wasn't properly displaying textures on LODs
* Fixed some small geometry clipping with arm patches
* Fixed some world collision issues on Depot
* Rotate lens covers on RedDot_CompM2 180degrees so they do not obstruct view so much
* Lowered RedDot_Comp2 slightly so it no longer sits so high on rail
* Added more velocity to ejected shell casings
* Changed suppressed firing sound to sound a little better. Still a long way to go and we still need weapon specific sounds
* Tweaked recoil settings to give a bit of difference between each available weapon (Still a ways to go)
Re: [Tactical First Person Shooter] Ground Branch
pour ceux éventuellement intéressés : le "Progress Update" de février :
pour ceux éventuellement intéressés : le "Progress Update" de février :