FS 2004 " Fantastic new freeware "

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FS 2004 " Fantastic new freeware "


Message par tsonaqua »

Fantastic new freeware.
Copie de la Newsletter...

Fantastic new freeware
> New downloads from Tom Woods & Bill Lyons
> Fantastic freeware squadron lands at the file library. Through the unparalleled generosity of Tom Woods at simTECH and Bill Lyons of the Golden Eagles Squadron, top-notch aircraft that were formerly sold only as payware are now available absolutely free. Let me repeat that. These are not shareware or scaled-down versions of the payware. These are the exact same aircraft, now available for free from the FlightSim.Com file library.
> All of us at FlightSim.Com want to take this opportunity to thank Tom and Bill for their outstanding generosity in making their add-ons available as freeware.
> The true mark of distinction for payware turned freeware is the quality of each add-on. Each airplane is its own special work of art with gorgeous textures, 2D and 3D panels, sensational sound sets, authentic flight models, manuals and much more. Best of all, they are airplanes that are fun to fly. The Grumman Goose and the Beech 18 and D45 are "time machines" that instantly transport you back to the swashbuckling adventure days of flight. You get all the goodies you would expect from a payware package except for one, the price. There isn't one... It's free!
> Run, do not walk, to the file library and download the entire simTECH and Golden Eagles freeware collections right now. The fastest way to find Tom's airplanes is to search for "simTECH." Search for "Bill Lyons" to find the latest Golden Eagles additions to the freeware library

lien : http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/kds?$=main/search.htm

> *** Now playing at the Flightsim Cineplex
> Watch the latest from Flying News, a tribute to United Airlines, Going Home LAX-Taipei, celebration of multiplayer adventures, touching tribute to VJ Day, Daum & Dannebaum bring you the Orions, Bird of Prey ballet, Thunderbirds both real and virtual plus action video of the new Cirrus SR20 from Eaglesoft plus much more. See all these new videos at the Cineplex:

http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/nl?lnk=www ... /flightsim

Home page : http://www.flightsim.com
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Corktip 14
Pilote Confirmé
Pilote Confirmé
Messages : 4243
Inscription : 16 août 2003


Message par Corktip 14 »

Hmm, Grumman Goose, va falloir que j'aie voir après celui là quand j'aurais finis mon vol Dyess AFB - Thule AFB en B-1B :Jumpy:

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Message par tsonaqua »

oui il est pas mal du tout avec c'est 8 variates .. le tout en exe,facile a installer donc ..

J'ais aussi le U.S. Airforce Gurmman HU-16 Albatross il est térrible celui la ..
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Pilote émérite
Pilote émérite
Messages : 9033
Inscription : 04 avril 2002


Message par Daube »

J'en ai deja essaye deux ou trois, notemment le gyrocoptere et un ULM.
Ils sont vraiment superbes :Jumpy:
Membre de la Ligue Internationnale Contre le Partage des IRQ :)

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