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MFD Extractor v0.5.4.0

Publié : jeu. sept. 22, 2011 3:58 pm
par Splash-Hawk
! Attention version intermédiaire, ne supporte pas l´extraction des MFD sous BMS !

Upgraded to .NET Framework v4
Fixed null reference issues and infinity/NaN handling in sim flight data reader code
Updated F4 detection routines to detect BMS 4
Updated player options reader code to work with BMS 4
Updated terrain database reader code to work with BMS 4
Added support for new BMS 4 directory layouts
Added support for double-resolution MFDs in BMS 4
Updated shared memory reader code to interpret flags with BMS 4 interpretation when needed
Fixed several issues on Windows 7 & 64-bit Windows
Altimeter data fix on network client
Fixed keystroke monitoring performance issues
Lower CPU utilization when sim EXE not launched
Dependency .DLLs are no longer ILMerged (duplicate types were causing runtime exceptions and hurting performance)
Replaced Paint.NET libraries with FreeImage
Removed legacy installer dependencies
Legacy exception handling behavior specified across all UI projects

MFD Extractor v0.5.4.0: ...

Merci M´sieur Lightning !

Publié : jeu. sept. 22, 2011 8:40 pm
Salut splash
La nouvelle version mfd extractor pour bms et v.

Publié : jeu. sept. 22, 2011 9:58 pm
par Splash-Hawk
MIKE-SIMULATION a écrit :Salut splash
La nouvelle version mfd extractor pour bms et v.
Ok, merci, corrigé.:sleep:

Publié : ven. sept. 23, 2011 9:55 pm
de rien mon capitaine!!


Publié : jeu. sept. 29, 2011 5:09 pm
par Fullnegi
sous BMS , le launcher indique un utilitaire d'extracteur...

Dans le manuel on peut lire :

External Display Support
The ability to create additional windows for rendering cockpit displays has been added. These windows can be moved to another display head on an extended desktop configuration.

To enable this option, set g_bUseExternalWindows 1 in the config file. There is also a new tool, the BMS External Windows Editor (ExternalWindowsEditor.exe), which allows you to change the position, size, rotation and the borders of the window. Also, the position of the windows are saved if you move them around while you are in the 3d world and then exit the game.

A limitation to this feature is that the main 3d window cannot be full-screen. However, another cfg variable has been added to remove the window borders of the main window. Use set g_bMainWindowBorders 0 to remove the borders. This makes the main view appear to take up the entire display.

There can be little to no FPS decrease with this feature depending on your video card and hardware. Careful selection of display components can significantly affect performance for this feature so players are advised to seek out experts amongst the BMS Test Team for current best advice.

Mais je ne comprends pas trop comment ça fonctionne... si quelqu'un à une idée ?

( cet utilitaire serait mieux que mfd extractor ? )

Publié : jeu. sept. 29, 2011 7:01 pm
par Fullnegi
manip : dans le "config editor" mettre >hardware> cochez cockpit displays to External windows

et dans le launcher utiliser le "cockpit display to external windows" tripoter les options et voyez ce que ça donne.

Et ça donne bien !!! :)

je vais vous dire , MFD extractor , je l'utiliserais plus que pour AF.... , enjoy !

Et merci à l'équipe de BMS , CA ! c'est du VRAI travail , et on se sent 10X mieux dans son cockpit qu'avant...