La recherche a retourné 9 résultats

par Valium49
mer. mars 05, 2014 10:23 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2
Réponses : 5
Vues : 6501

Re: I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2

Ok, I will try to search some lines and try to edit them.

The worst thing between LOFC2 and FC3 is that fact it's impossible to convert that mods to DCS FC3. :(
par Valium49
mer. mars 05, 2014 8:39 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2
Réponses : 5
Vues : 6501

Re: I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2

Thanks for answer. So it seems that it's more complicated I've thought so far. I edited the Mirage 2000-5 from AdA Mod once and I did it for Su-27 ( Rafale cockpit ) too and it worked, but I think it's not the same think, like editing some cockpit how I want. It seems that I must wait or I could sta...
par Valium49
jeu. févr. 27, 2014 11:27 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2
Réponses : 5
Vues : 6501

I'm searching the person, who can edit cockpits in LOFC2

Hello. According to the topic, I'm searching the person, who is still using Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2 and has some knowledge about editing cockpits. I've got one cockpit, which replaces MiG-29G, but I would like to edit to replace Su-27 cockpit instead of MiG-29G cockpit, that's all. I think it's not...
par Valium49
jeu. févr. 27, 2014 11:22 pm
Forum : Le forum des nouveaux (débutants)
Sujet : Hello
Réponses : 6
Vues : 1271

Re: Hello

Hello. Thanks for warm welcome. According to Ryder7's post, yeap, I know almost everything about him, but I wrote a letter to British Ministry of Defence, because they have many really important documents. I am in search of evidence, which could confirm the kinship because me and him. I could create...
par Valium49
ven. janv. 24, 2014 7:38 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : 3 questions about AdA Mod v2
Réponses : 13
Vues : 11346

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2

Thanks for informations.
Do you think about make AdA mod compatible with DCS FC3 ?
par Valium49
mar. janv. 21, 2014 10:54 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : 3 questions about AdA Mod v2
Réponses : 13
Vues : 11346

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2

No problem, it's understandable.

I've got just one question. If AdA Mod v2 is compatible with DCS FC3?
par Valium49
ven. janv. 17, 2014 10:47 am
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : 3 questions about AdA Mod v2
Réponses : 13
Vues : 11346

Re: 3 questions about AdA Mod v2

Thanks for response on my questions. I noticed that I can fly MiG-29K ... ( don't know where from, because I couldn't fly it before ) and when I landed on the carrier, MiG also moved backward, but when I set the plane to take-off position by pushing "U" key, everything was fine. I don't know, could ...
par Valium49
jeu. janv. 16, 2014 8:46 pm
Forum : Support technique
Sujet : 3 questions about AdA Mod v2
Réponses : 13
Vues : 11346

3 questions about AdA Mod v2

Hello. Frankly speaking, I'm not sure if it's the best place to put that topic. Sorry for the fact, that I am writing in English, which could be grammatically incorrect, but I don't understand French. I've got 3 question to you, which I wanted to ask on the official site of the AdA Mod, but unfortun...
par Valium49
jeu. janv. 16, 2014 8:27 pm
Forum : Le forum des nouveaux (débutants)
Sujet : Hello
Réponses : 6
Vues : 1271


Hello guys! My name is Matthew, 19 years old and I'm from Poland. I'm also a fan of Armee de l'air. If it's not a problem, I would like to write some topics in English, because unfortunately I don't speak French, so I could have got some problems with translation from French to English or Polish. I ...

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