La recherche a retourné 13 résultats

par Col. Douglas King
jeu. juil. 27, 2006 11:49 am
Forum : Salle "MODS" IL2-1946
Sujet : "Marita" Le côté Yougoslave (WiP)
Réponses : 30
Vues : 5084

~S!~ Tchaika, those are really some great skins! My Friends from the 102nd_YU Squadron (Virtual) will love them, for sure. Please contact them, they are a Yugoslav Squadron that are reenacting the Defence of Yugoslavia during the April 1941 Axis Invasion (Op. Marita). As they surely have more docume...
par Col. Douglas King
mar. avr. 25, 2006 9:20 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Important Note
Réponses : 0
Vues : 511

Important Note

From: Col. Douglas King Matter: Name change in our own Unit. Report: We started as the 475th Fighter Group, "Satan's Angels", organyzed as a real WW2 USAAF Group, with 3 different Squadrons and an HQ Section. But for what is the HL today, we soon realyzed that this was not a so brilliant idea as it ...
par Col. Douglas King
jeu. avr. 20, 2006 3:35 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654


I will see with my Webmaster if it is possible to put the track available for download trough the 475th FG forum.

Hope this is feasible, as it coul be a great solution...
par Col. Douglas King
mar. mars 28, 2006 4:50 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654

My contact for MSN Messenger is:

Everyone who want a copy of the track please contact me.
par Col. Douglas King
ven. mars 24, 2006 3:32 am
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654

Ok, Gentlemen! I have a track! In this track I perform three or four times the "trick", with more or less success. In one occasion it was quite well done. I want to point out the fact that I have not rudder pedals or hotas. Only a Joystick WingMan Force 3D with Force Feed Back not in use. For engine...
par Col. Douglas King
jeu. mars 23, 2006 2:31 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654

Will try to provide one.
par Col. Douglas King
mer. mars 22, 2006 1:15 am
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654

Corktip, yes it works in PF too. Situation: While you have a Zero on your six, you at full power. Start a climbing turn right at full power. The Zero will try to follow you. You are still at full power, climbing while turning, and your airspeed is dropping. At this point the Zero is about to stall o...
par Col. Douglas King
mar. mars 21, 2006 4:16 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : Perfos P-38 ??
Réponses : 62
Vues : 8654

Turning combat with the P-38 was possible, even against the Zero or the Hayabusa, but only if using different power on each engine to tighten the turn, full flaps and speed below 150 Mph, in a steep climb. This tecnique was used by Bong, MacGuire and MacDonald and many other pilots in the Pacific. N...
par Col. Douglas King
sam. janv. 28, 2006 10:23 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : 475th FG Recruitment Office open!
Réponses : 0
Vues : 404

475th FG Recruitment Office open!

~S!~ I´m proud to announce that the 475th FG Website is almost ready. Some few things are still under construction, but it will not last long to have all up and functioning. You can visit the 475th FG virtual base here: The Recruitment Office is now open, so who is interested ...
par Col. Douglas King
mar. janv. 24, 2006 1:33 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : My new mount as CO of the virtual 475th FG
Réponses : 2
Vues : 746

Rickenbacher, actually I want to attract as many as possible of them. I love Sushi, and want more!

:Jumpy: :innocent: :hum: :miam: :vampire: :devil:
par Col. Douglas King
lun. janv. 23, 2006 8:54 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : My new mount as CO of the virtual 475th FG
Réponses : 2
Vues : 746

My new mount as CO of the virtual 475th FG

There it is! P-38L-5-LO "King´s Lady" 475th FG HQ Section Tactical # 103. As CO of the virtual 475th FG, I have the right to fly the tactical # 100. But dont want to do that, showing respect for Col. Charles MacDonald, the former CO o...
par Col. Douglas King
mar. janv. 17, 2006 5:08 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : New Virtual Outfit: 475th FG, USAAF
Réponses : 6
Vues : 823

Outfit = Unit


The 475th was an Operative Unit of the USAAF during WW2


The 475th FG was an Operative Outfit of the USAAF during WW2

The meaning is the same.

I said "new outfit" because it is new. It didn´t exists until now for Il2 online Community.

par Col. Douglas King
mar. janv. 17, 2006 4:00 pm
Forum : IL-2 1946
Sujet : New Virtual Outfit: 475th FG, USAAF
Réponses : 6
Vues : 823

New Virtual Outfit: 475th FG, USAAF

~S~ et Bonjour a tout le Monde! I´m proud to inform the Community that a new Virtual Outfit is about to start operations. The 475th Figther Group "Satan´s Angels" will be declared "Combat Ready" very soon. Actually, the Website of the Group is under construction, and will be opened ASAP. The name "S...

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